LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

That is also why I brought up the Life Binders mate at the start as he was one of the first dragons to be shown using different forms (even if it was in the novels)


Yea but that oppresses him or ruins lore or whatever

So therefor it doesn’t exist or something, idk


Again why change something that is accepted by the playerbase

Are you illiterate or very young?

Really the only way to explain your incoherent posting and inability to understand what’s being said

Unless you’re just flat out trolling

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“What we are trying to explain is, that these things have been in the game since the beginning, they just weren’t highlighted. They are being brought to the light now, not forced in at the last minute.”

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This. A example of stuff like this is the Emerald Nightmare that was in Legion, that story had been going on since cata in the novels and even longer if you go back to the War of the Ancients Trilogy.

There is a lot of background lore that they keep in the books and short stories and then touch on in future expansions.


Literally before you came in here to talk about how we were off topic, we were talking about Chromie and how she choose her humanoid form to her liking.

Dragons can change their humanoid form perfectly fine to suit them it seems.

There isn’t really anything complicated about a Dragon choosing to change their humanoid form
 its just magic.

Chromie has been like that since they were introduced. All Blizz has done is confirm what most of us already figured might be the case.

And Wrathion?

Come now, he and Anduin’s relationship screams
 literally screams.

Day of the Dragon came first in that lineup. Then I think War of the Ancients and then Night of the Dragon.

But yeah, he used a human form in “modern” era and Night Elf in war of the ancients era.

You don’t get to discount it because you don’t like it.

I can not like Teldrassil burning but my not liking it doesn’t change that it happened.


I am actually not sure which comes first because if I remember right there was some weird time travel stuff.


Literally it was Day of the Dragon and then War of the Ancients then Night of the dragon.

Timeline wise it was still technically in that order but in the War of the Ancients trilogy they of course do go back in time before returning to their actual timeline.

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Classic , TBC Classic and WC3 Reforged are waiting for you , if you want to be stuck in the last 14 + years.

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Been at work. Than it was fine as is

“It is fine now too, it is just more apparent. That is good.”

I wish Kul’Tiras had a bit more representation. Rosaline exudes powerful lesbian energy tbh, and the topless kul’tiran male rowers are so gay it’s almost a cliche.

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But why it does it need to be the reason why character is known for. Let he or she shine with good writing

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“It doesn’t have to be THE reason. No one is asking for that. Adding a bit of color to their personality, that is all we are asking for. Adding a bit of personality, here and there, is good for ANY story.”

“So, do you want them all to go back into shadows, hiding like villains? So you can go back to pretending none of them exist?”

“Or are you brave enough to let them stand in the light with you?”

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Ok, well, they did that with all of these characters, and you’re still mad.

Ask yourself why. I really feel like some self reflection is in order. You’re welcome to leave the thread now, no questions asked - We were having a lovely conversation before you came along.

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What if they use good writing to bring out that aspect of the character ? Does showing they like to be with the same gender or prefer being recognized as the gender they are not born as make it not good writing ?

Is it only good writing if it falls under what an individual or a group considers good writing or could it be good writing because it just is .

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Lol I’m not mad far from it just concerned political motives helped with the writing

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“Artists find inspiration is the strangest places. Doesn’t make it wrong.”

Being LGBTQ+ isn’t a political stance, so your concerns are misplaced.