LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I want to come in here and say that it’s ok to be gay, it’s ok to be straight, and it’s ok to like both people or atleast everyone.

Pretty much supporting People in general who is LGBTQ.


I decided to pick Age of Empires 3 Definative Edition up after about ten months and wow is it really good. I stopped before out of boredom. I played the original to death and when the remaster came out it just seemed like they reworked the card system, added in a portrait reward system and two new civilizations. (Besides the graphics overall.)

Now there are about ten new civilizations, some of them you don’t even have to pay for. Some of the originals have been updated as well. All but one civilization can have customizations. The weekly events are not just for your portrait anymore. You can unlock unit skins now and even for fun cheats. I got a cheat where I can turn all of my units into wolves lol.

And it just seems like they are going to add more into the game. There are new modes. They have a coop that I haven’t checked out. Hugh. Honestly with how this game has been treated and from what I hear about Age of Empires 2 I hope that when the deal with Microsoft goes though, they give the same treatment to the old Blizzard RTS games. It is cool to see some life being breathed into these games. (Also want to see an Age of Mythology Remaster as well.)


Man I don’t care if i’m wearing very weak to fire armor. I GET TO HUNT BAZELGEUSE AGAIN

Love that little troll of a monster


Oh, you mean your individual, subjective experience invalidates the reality that actual trans people experience? Cheers for that! Ill let them all know they’re wrong :rofl::rofl::rofl::clown_face:

Edit: I dont experience racism in my everyday life, must mean it isn’t real guys!!!


No spoilers from me but I swear watching video game credits is like “6 degrees of Critical Role” for me now.

Robbie Daymond plays a character in Sunbreak and he fooled me XD

Freaking voice actors


Now to just rest my hands a bit. I wanna try and get Malzeno’s armor set in a bit. I just need a few more materials and I think one of the rare mats from them.

Armor crafting is all fun and games until you need ONE thing and it just REFUSES to drop. Thankfully RNG ain’t annoying like WoWs. Since you can just keep hunting instead of missing out and then having to wait a week.

Once I have that armor and the skills it has I’m pretty much just having this play in my head every hunt

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Kind of defeats the purpose of a protest if you have to ask for permission.

i’d try listening to Machinae Supremacy. it’s not quite the same vibe as this, but they also incorporate a sid chip in their music to pretty great results

Their entire protest had no purpose, especially the 2nd one

So it would have matched

Individual experience? I worked in a company with 20 thousand people. It was not an issue. The Trans people themselves were not complaining about problems with the 20 thousand people with whom they worked.

Not exactly anecdotal.

You don’t have to ask permission to protest. This was never about the right to protest. You ask permission for a PLACE to protest.

Had the truckers asked for a PLACE to protest, one would have been provided, they could have invited the press and media for coverage and they would have been able to protest away as much as they wanted.

Instead they violated everyone else’s rights by taking over highways and intersections. That was not necessary to protest.

No, they did have a purpose.

Generally people protest where they work. Truckers work on the road.

“Definition of anecdotal evidence
: evidence in the form of stories that people tell about what has happened to them
“His conclusions are not supported by data; they are based only on anecdotal evidence.””


That’s exactly what is is Sis. I won’t be investing much energy into debating with you, you seem to be reasonably intelligent yet willfully ignorant. Not a winning combo in my eyes, have a good day :slight_smile:

Again, no response. Just the fallacy of ad hominem.

The purpose was what?

Harass workers? Cost Canada millions by blocking trade routes? Literally do nothing but hurt working class individuals?

Protest travel regulations that are set by america so canada couldn’t change it anyway?

Guess those are purposes, not good ones but still purposes

They were being mandated to get a vaccination, when they didn’t want to. Kind of absurd when truckers literally come into contact with almost nobody, and at the time Trudeau was yelling for masks while going out in public without them.

They can live how they want, and telling them that they had to lose their jobs because they didn’t want to get a jab, was kind of moronic. Especially now in hindsight.

So, yes, there was a purpose.


The trucker’s who go across the entire country at times


I mean the majority of trucker’s refused to even be connected with these people, considering how few of them were even trucker’s in the first place

But yea, joining up with white supremacists and terrorist organizations is a great idea when you’re in the vocal minority I guess


I don’t know Canada’s situation exactly, yet vaccine mandates for professions that come in contact with alot of people or travel large distances (which truckies undoubtedly have to travel terribly far, we all know, it must suck) are relatively normal where I’m from.

It makes sense that if you want to prevent spreading anything contagious that you’d get the people with the chance of spreading it the furthest (borders, distance) and/or the widest (population) to have the least chance of contracting/spreading that contagious thing.

They weren’t forced to remain Truckies if they didn’t want the jab, so not a single person was forced.

Edit: I’m ready to feel sad for Truckies who didn’t want the jab and had to quit. Though not entitled ones.


Who sit in their cabs and come into substantially less contact with other people on average, because you know… they’re on the road?

This is an assumption.

This never happened. This was a smear from Trudeau because he was on the losing side of the argument, so he started screaming about ‘muh racism’, which is hilarious because he literally wore blackface to a Halloween party.

This is true, and would be a good point if the virus wasn’t already endemic. The saturation rates were already far too substantial. I do agree with the logic here, but timeline wise doesn’t hold up.

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Key point, you have to remember a lot of them weren’t trucker’s or were retired as most couldn’t actually be connected to a trucking company

It was mostly idiots embolbed by other idiots, like separatist from Alberta and PPC who latched onto the trucker mandate to just screw over any working class individual as the people in charge were making tons of cash in donations (a strange amount coming from America, and from people connected to terrorist organizations and other unsavory groups)