LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

It was big news early on in Shadowlands, with Blizzard specifically addressing it. Because of that, you can’t make a thread to talk about him without transphobes showing up to be transphobic.

This thread allows LGBT+ players to talk about LGBT+ characters in the game without the thread being flocked by bigots and closed because of it.


Well, our sexuality is a huge piece of who we are, for straight people this is true as well. It’s more true for LGBT+ (more visual, may be the better wording) because we have to defend who we are every/most days of our lives. The world isn’t fine with us yet dude, no matter what you hear. It is disproportionately more cruel to minorities such as LGBT people, purely because of who we are. The expression of who we are in our sexuality is what Gay Pride is all about, as an example. The way our sexuality/pride/community has coalesced is actually pretty expected, if you are part of the community and have our life experience.

No matter what, I’ll never know what it’s like to be a straight man, I just never will. This means I can never fully understand certain things about heterosexuals because I don’t share their lived experiences… same thing, other way.


They still try to shut this thread down, as we can see with this individual. There’s no stopping them, but I’m glad Blizz has kept this opened. Because I’ve seen other pro-LGBTQ+ threads get locked because it gets derailed into negativity.


That’s interesting. Can I ask why your sexuality is such a huge piece of who you are? I’m not sure I’ve ever felt incredibly strongly about my sexuality but maybe that’s because its the boring default and I never had to really defend it. I’ve just always been a man who was attracted to females, and its kind of who I’ve always been.

I respect the struggle and I have no hate for anyone here. It was actually like really depressing when everyone started getting pretty aggressive and hostile. Maybe it’s a response because the world is always out to deem what you’re doing as wrong. I’m not saying I’m the manliest of men. Nothing like that, but I appreciate you taking the time to explain it to you.

There’s not much struggle to being a straight man like you know… it’s the typical and and most common. That’s never challenging. You know there are still struggles of course, but never around my sexuality. I grew up with mostly gay friends and things so I’ve never thought much of it I guess.

So, I’m sorry and I appreciate you being open/honest with me and having a discussion.

That’s a lot of show hidden replies.

For all of you who dislike LGBTQIA+ conversations here is what you do.

Thank you for your time and bumps.

Now let’s all get back to that LGBTQIA+ Agenda and taking over the world everyone is always telling me we’re doing…

Seriously I feel like I’ve been left out of the plan friends…


Yeah. Enough of them came in at one point that the thread did get locked, but Blizzard cleared out the bigotry and reopened the thread. They even clarified that’s what they were doing when asked about it.

So for anyone who thinks this thread doesn’t belong here, take it up with Blizzard.


I have no issues with this thread nor the other lounge thread. And, if I don’t want to see it, I’ll Mute it. The Mute function is great, people should use it more, especially the other individual who insists this thread doesn’t belong on the forums :roll_eyes:


It does seem to be the WRONG way to handle the situation (banning and removing hateful people seems to be the right response). It feels as if having a separate place for people to communicate kind of shoves them into their own unnecessary box which was the point of why I ended up here in the first place.

If Blizzard handed out mass ban waves to the bigots, we wouldn’t need this space. I guess they think they’d lose too much revenue doing that though.


The ignore and mute button works just fine. If a thread upsets you this much, Mute it, and you won’t ever see it, again.


Touché! I hear you.

I’m just saying, debating crap endlessly doesn’t seem fun and can get upsetting.

It’s why I blocked that person, when they weren’t consistent with their “stuff not about WoW shouldn’t be on the forums” including general lounge threads which there are two and not just this one. But, they gave the other one a free pass, for whatever reason.

Honestly, the last thing I wanted to do was add more hate into the world which is why I stuck around while people (Estalayia was one of the people) kind of just poked fun at me and made fun of me. Fine. It’s fine. I didn’t want to leave the thread in a place where people thought I was some kind of horrible person.

So I hope I’ve cleared that up. I disagree with some people’s perspective on whether or not a discussion board should exist. I didn’t realize how pervasive the issues are on the forums. I didn’t realize how horrible the trans community is STILL being treated on the forums.

So many people just decided to label me a bigot, transphobe, and hateful person… I really didn’t feel good about leaving the discussion like that.

That person who ignored me said horrible, consistent, and gaslighty things that were really not consistent with the things I said… and the smearing and things descended into madness. Appreciate you all though and have a good day.

I’m always missing context. But, I felt their response I responded to in my soul.

We all say things we regret no matter what you identify as.

Everyone can get ugly and it’s sad to watch.

I can save you some heartache.

No matter who you are not everyone is always going to like you.

Let ppl think what they want.

I’d go out for drinks with every single person on the forums.

We all get heated and weird and rude sometimes.

Humans are funny


I predict a H etero megathread at some point soon. pS H etero is a banned word.

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I don’t need to answer, you answered it yourself here.

When one is attacked for who you love, you tend to rally around the fact that it’s ok to love that person. Thus sexuality.

My personal opinion is that the world has become hyper politicised because of political strategies targeting separation of tribes, then “owning” the largest tribe. Unintelligent and pretty disgusting way to do politics.

Has nothing to do with anything, you’re the type of man you need to be, as long as you’re comfortable with yourself.

The more people that know the hurt we’ve been through, the need for these places, the less people that will try to hurt me for who I am, therefore I’m being self serving :stuck_out_tongue: :blue_heart:

I don’t think this is true at all… again, I have no experience. Toxic masculinity surely impacts straight men as much, if not more, than myself. The age old trope of “Men makes money and works till his dead, woman cooks and cleans” is negative for men as well as women… though I’m digressing here. Either way, don’t underestimate the challenges you have/will face, they will come.

In the end, your argument ended in this discussion, along with us learning about each other. Mayhaps not such a bad thing that you stumbled in here, the Butterfly Effect being what it is. Thanks for actually taking in what I say, sometimes I don’t bother because they don’t listen. You were worth the energy.

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Both Lounge threads talk about WoW and not about WoW, at the same time. IDK why this one is getting the heat of “shouldn’t exist”, when the other lounge is just as guilty as this one. I see no difference other than this one has the words “LGBTQ+” in it, and the other one doesn’t. It’s just “lounge” which serves the same purpose as this one but isn’t so specific :woman_shrugging:

Cheers. Thank you. Was pretty heartbroken and started really arguing foolishly because of how upset I felt. Thanks.

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Butter fingers.

Can someone link the other one plz?