LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Are you my doctor? My therapist? What makes you fit to diagnose me with anything when you don’t know me from Adam?

I know, being a trans man who doesn’t tolerate nonsense and speaks up in the face of it totally makes the community look horrendously bad.

Y’all only like people like me when we’re quiet, and submissive, and complicit, and don’t speak up and stand up to your nonsense.

I don’t give two fans of a peacock’s train if you think my standing up to your nonsense makes the community look bad.

No one was ever helped by being quiet and submissive in the face of nonsense, bigotry, and bad behavior.

If standing up to bigotry and nonsense makes me a douche then I am a mega douche and I’m proud of being a maga douche. In fact I’m going to make a mega douche pride flag right now.


The other lounge thread (that’s not LGBTQ+ specific) is still up. I linked it, already.

It brings people, together.

You’re so focused on the description of lounge threads. I linked you (already) another lounge thread that isn’t LGBTQ+ specific, but you’re just very focused on the LGBTQ+ one, for whatever reason.

Both threads have been deemed “OK”. I keep saying, it’s a place to bring people, together.

Do you think If someone started a furry mega thread it would stay up?

You know that statement is not true. That is complete smearing based on the conversation we’ve had. I am not okay with the non-LGBTQ+ one or the LGBTQ+ one, and we had that conversation and I was very clear about that.

I do not appreciate the smear attempt of suggesting that I’m okay with one of the threads and not the other. That’s a bunch of BS.

If it remained positive, yes. If it devolves into negativity, it’ll get locked. That’s usually how it happens.

But, you keep focusing on the LGBTQ+ part. If it’s about all of it, equalize the example.

Some journeys are better left untraveled :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t want to be negative, but I cannot imagine that going well.

Here is another ignorant post from someone who has the privilege to not be cognizant of why it matters.

This thread was made because there were trolls creating LGBT+ threads that were clearly over the top and meant to cause the community to be angry and upset and galvanize them against LGBT+ players who just wanted to chill. We made this threat and it did cut down a bit on those trolls making threads, occasionally what happens but those usually get locked or deleted.

You may or may not be aware but a lot of gamers use hate speech. It is not really possible to exist as an LGBT+ person in the community without running into that behavior. There’s always someone saying F slur this, gay that, T slur this.

As a trans person, as an FTM trans person whose voice does not pass, I not only have been misgendered, but I’ve also been sexually harassed in voice chat. And I have a choice, to correct people misgendering me, stay quiet and be incredibly uncomfortable especially when dealing with teenage horngry boys and not have fun, or leave.

Not only is there a need for space for LGBT+ people to vibe in here on the forums, to ask questions about which servers and which guilds we know of that aren’t full of slurry horny teenage boys, but there’s also a need for guilds and communities in game that are inclusive.

I’m lucky enough to be in a trans run (over half our officers are trans/non-binary/genderfluid/genderqueer) guild that has an LGBT+ majority where homophobia, transphobia, antisemism, islamophobia, sexism, racism, ableism, etc. are not tolerated and are yeeted from our space.


We can move over to the other non-LGBTQ+ forum post if you’d like to discuss that I guess. But again, these two different posts unnecessarily exist. Stupidly in fact. Why would I focus on the non-LGBTQ+ forum post on the LGBTQ+ forum post?

Both incredibly stupid and harmful. Both have no point in existing. I have no clue why either exists in some kind of unnecessary silo.

so im willing to accept EVERYONE no matter what as long as they know how to play but im ignorant somehow?

whatever homie it’s your opinion you’re entitled to it.

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I’ve even seen pro-LGBTQ+ threads get locked because it devolved into negativity. I’ve seen threads talking about WoW get locked because it devolved into negativity. If the community can’t play nice, the threads get locked. It’s that simple. It happens to ALL threads.

That’s very true! I’m just thinking that if we, as a community, can barely handle this thread, adding a furry topic seems like we’re just adding insult to injury.


I don’t see how they’re harmful but OK.

Furries are actually pretty rad.


The good ending to the Armstrong saga apparently.
Still funny this game is good.

It was cool to see that one guy on the xpac announcement panel representing this community. I hope he was actually in a position to warrant his inclusion and not just thrown in to satisfy an agenda. He did a good job either way.

Why are you misgendering her? Knock off the microaggression nonsense.


I thought I saw this person listed as just K. I didnt hear if it was Kevin or Kate. Sorry. I was just going buy what I thought. My bad.

Or was it J?

Ill have to go back and re watch.

What jabs have I made?

Go start the next thread at the non-LGBTQ+ forum post. That’s where we left off. You’ve said nothing else. You responded with 2 sentences to giant posts.

I already linked to it and even posted in it. Do you want it linked to you, again 'cause you can’t find it?

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I’m sure I’ll get some mad hate from you or others.

I don’t want ppl to be oppressed or in chains or shunned from their family. I have been because I do not follow their religion. Well, with some of them.

I really struggle with all the terms there are these days. I want to say “Yes sir” or “Yes ma’am”. Some ppl are triggered by this. That is concerning to me.

Also, I love bears. I would love to be one like my Druid but I never will be.

You are what your born as. You will never be a woman if you were born a man.

I wish I could speak with someone to possibly open my eyes more bc this is what I think and feel. And, I think it’s okay to express an opposite view without hating someone.