LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Yeah I had to leave a server i played on for a year just because it was getting really stressful. The main dms girlfriend was a vile woman and the dm was just a bit of a jerk. Telling us to go to their wiki for lore yet a lot of the wiki was blank. Then he’d mock us about not knowing stuff.

So idk where I been all this time and why ive just now listened to it but my god deftones song knife party is tickling my brain that gives me goosebumps the high pitch notes near the end of the song my ears in heaven


Good song.


Highly suspect has alot of good ones too. Lydia feels like anxiety in music form least paired with the video xD got a crush on the singer lol

It’s trans visibility day.


Though I’m always pretty visible.


Shout Out For Trans People!! Trans Visibility Day!


peaks in thread

looks like the same edgy jokes got posted 1 and 3 posts in. Not surprised.

That’s why this place is better honestly.

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I wasn’t sure at first, but this is an actual thing. Bravo!

Yeah. I saw that post and was like, “Oh great.”

That thread is going to be cringe.

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it’s been a thing since like 2010 iirc

yea unfortunately, and if you call out the same unoriginal joke just being edgy and unfunny they’ll be like OMG CANT YOU JUST TAKE A JOKE COME ON SMH.

Should just be like, “boo get new material.”

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I don’t even think they are edgy just unfunny.

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Soo this thread gets to stay, but not the straight thread. Interesting how that is when the straight one didn’t say anything wrong whatsoever…
Mods are annoyingly biased in this situation what actual reason do they have to remove one and not the other.


Bet you didn’t even question why there is a need for a thread like this but you just continue to prove exactly why.

A “need” for it. You realize the bias here. BOTH threads were not insulting eachother what so ever.
So going by the same exact standards here the other one should also be allowed if we are going to be allowed to have these kinds of threads ( which I think shouldn’t even be allowed in reality).
It is incredibly biased to delete one and keep the other when we are working with the same ruleset.


the problem with “straight threads” is that they are all unequivocally threads that aren’t made in good faith.


Do you need a tissue?

  1. They don’t close threads automatically I don’t think.
  2. This thread has largely been active.

So you are assuming this one wasn’t?
I read through its whole description seemed fine to me if we are going too allow off topic things like this.
Even said it wasn’t to create hostility of any kind, then got removed.
Very biased, but oh well I guess that’s how things are now.


If you don’t like this thread you can flag it.

Oh wait, you can’t because it’s been flagged before several times and approved several times.

Mute the thread.