LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I just want my incubus.

Gimme Blizz.

Please give Man’ari so I can be a Warlock Blizzard pls. I need incci booty. I will write a story about how he hussles in the taverns of Gadgetzan with a game of Quarters.


I would be so tempted to race change to a male man’ari.

I’m like one of the 5 people that find the male Draenei attractive so having a Horde variant would be dope

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Not the variant


War flashbacks with all these covid variants. My fam were panicking earlier this week cause we were trying to get our parents to fly to Aus and it was a whole panic episode of changing their flight at the last minute and hoping they’ll land safely and not have the border closed on them

Ah right. I wasn’t sure if you were talking about that or not.

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Not sure why people always just assume man’ari would be Horde if they were added. Seems more likely that Velen would take in the scattered man’ari and try to redeem them or some such than that the predominantly orcish Horde would forgive the race that corrupted and enslaved the orcs.

True. I honestly just want a draenei for the horde.

Lore be damned at this point lol

smh. Can’t believe this political propaganda being spread. This is outrageous. What’s next? Proper grammar?

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Honestly, draenei warlocks and undead paladins are like the two class options I’m 100% against. I’d be fine with allied race man’ari warlocks and like, Calia style undead paladins, but I would hate for the mainline races to get them.

Draenei for Horde could be done if Blizz would just get over themselves and remove the faction barrier tho.

Oh I get why folks would be against those. It’s just a dumb kinda selfish wish on my end lol.

advantage of this is both the horde and alliance would finally shut up about blood elves being on the alliance through void elves.

except for those weirdo’s that want void pallies

Yeah don’t really get the whole void paladin thing. But whatev.

Still a bit silly they show a night elf becoming a paladin in Legion then they just. Never made night elf paladins be an option for players. Would have been dope to see Retribution paladins of Elune in BfA with the black eyes.


More alliance races should be able to be paladin 100%, especially when like half of the horde races can be shaman compared to alliance still having heavy restrictions on what can be a pally.

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They want to be normal high elves and have convinced themselves paladins are a core component of high elven culture despite there being like two of them in the game and zero lore about it.


I miss when blood elf paladins were scary. We got kinda neutered once the sunwell got fixed.


blood elves were way cooler without the sunwell I agree. they are basically humanlite with the sunwell restored and it sucks.

yep. actual high elf lore is basically just funny archer people and mages. technically they shouldn’t even be allowed to be warlocks since a ton of their whole thing was looking down on blood elves for their research into darker magics. It’s also why it is kinda hilarious that the high elves apparently are working with the void elves now lol.

Theres actually been a high elf warlock in game since WotLK.

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All I can say is Freddie Mercury was a god, no matter what his preference. I am a dude married to a wonderful wife and love her with all my heart.

Bow your heads in honor of a man who died sadly with a voice that nobody could compare to. I am sad and his preference in RL makes no difference to me.

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