LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

“I don’t blame you. Your Doctor should be helping you get vaccinated. This it just stupid.”

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True. But I know my doc is a good guy. He’s just trying to help and a pandemic is just complicated for some folks like agoraphobes.

A few years ago when I tried to commit suicide with meds, I felt safe enough around him to explain what I did. He snapped right into action in comforting me and helping me taper off from the meds over time. I’m still really thankful for that.


“Ask him to help you get vaccinated. It’s his job to keep you safe, and a vaccine would be in keeping you safe. I think you should talk to him about helping you, since your condition is blocking this move. He might understand and find a way.”

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I’m only in this thread to cause trouble

knocks over trashcan

:door: :walking_man:

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(Lady Cyndi Lou picks up the empty trashcan and sets it back upright.)


Yup. We’ll see.


You ruffian!

“Good. Since he knows your condition well, he should understand and be able to help.”

“Maybe if you begged, just a little? Let him know how important it is to you, to get past this hurdle. Ya know?”

Sure as long as we have a black’s only thread, a islam only thread, etc.

How bout no?

“That is up to the Mods. So far they have accepted this thread, so here we are.”


You see anything saying lgbtq+ only?


“That too.”


So I talked to my therapist about my anger problems.

I’m not talking about me being aggressive and arguing on the forums, but me having huge amounts of anger at people like antivaxxers, transphobes, homophobes, racists, antisemites, islamaphobes, bigots, narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, science deniers, stupid people, and anyone else on the right I might have missed.

She had suggested writing. This week she and I decided that I should make a blog for my hot takes.

So I made one. The name is a pun involving my last name because my last name begs for jokes.

My last name is Wright. As a guy, it means I’m always Wright. If I opened a store I’d call it Wright’s Stuff. It also literally makes me Mr. Wright. Not going to lie I almost chose Phoenix as my new name :wink:.


You typed all this out, when you coulda just left it at



Well I wouldn’t really call a sociopath or psychopath stupid. They’re quite nice folks if they get therapy.


I’ve got a great retort for antivaxxers who are afraid that vaccines are going to make their kids unintelligent.

“Too late, twin studies indicate that general intelligence is hereditary, and your IQ is no higher than your body temperature.”

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It’s kinda funny some anti vax say they don’t wanna be a test group. When really all that’s doing is bumping them over to the control group lol


You know what, thats a fair point

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it’s mostly a “LGBTQ friendly lounge” not a LGBTQ only lounge. Because as much as they could try they can’t really kick anyone out. If you wanted you could post here everyday. These people don’t really like me and I could post here everyday as well.