LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Is that why the overwhelming majority of players are grown adults?

Plenty of people meet through online sources, WoW included.

i personally haven’t gone through every post of this thread, but as far as i’ve seen, yeah, no talk about sex. Having a sexual orientation isn’t talking about sex.

This thread isn’t an LGBT+ only thread. i don’t see them trying to “ban” people from the thread. Stop being extra.

Oh boy, here we go.

You should take your own advice, especially seeing your knee jerk reaction thread to this thread. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Waiting for them to come back up!!! :frowning:

J/K I am at work in endless meetings and freaking out about an interview tomorrow.

And hey you win some you lose some. Get back in there and all that jazz!

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poor wittle babies :frowning:

Oh he mad. :rofl:

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not mad enough to read more than the first line of any of your posts lol

Oh he real mad. Lol


Wanted to celebrate in my favorite thread that I can post gifs again. :smiley:

Oh, and to the people who think it’s all about sex. :stuck_out_tongue:


Use your powers for good.

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Why thank you. :blush:


Yay, congrats good sir :slight_smile:

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Why thank you. :blush:


Generally, I barely want to play WoW anymore. Lol. Stuck on a campaign quest, not because it’s hard but because I just don’t want to do it. I log on and look at all my characters, then log back off. The recent scandals don’t help. Can’t motivate myself to playing anything other than WoW so my gaming lately is infrequent.

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You can post gifs again and you immediately go for the Golden Girls.

Iconic move tbh


Im finding WoW is becoming more “Have to do” and less “Want to do” for me these days.

Like I Want to raid (Even if it is just becoming more and more punishing and not fun…Seperate topic) but to do that I feel I have to do M+ (Hate) Torghast (Hate on Rogue) and other little things that just eat up my time so I can’t do the things I want. (Pets, toys, transmog etc)

I honestly don’t even know what half the stuff im farming is for, but I know Ill need it. Bleh.

A lot of my friends are playing Final Fantasy now in addition to WoW and I just…I don’t have the time for another MMO


You aren’t alone. I used to log on and play by myself. Now, it seems, the only time I’m playing is when I go to my friend’s house and even then we aren’t playing like we used to. Nothing is drawing me in. Despite not liking the main story in BfA there was so much other stuff I had fun doing.

Speaking of Golden Girls, CNN has been airing a multi part special called “History of the Sitcom” and they talked about The Golden Girls. I definitely recommend giving it a watch if you can. A lot of people don’t realize how groundbreaking some of these old shows were, or why they were. It’s pretty neat, especially watching them with my parents since they were around when a lot of them aired.


Oh. Golden Girls for it’s time was seriously pushing boundaries.

Honestly, give the show a watch NOW and you’ll see a lot of it’s story lines still hold up. I mean, it’s because we haven’t tried to fix anything in this country in 30+ years, but still!

Also I see Liz Lemon in that thumb nail. She is. She is my goals. I love 30 Rock


“I am glad to hear you love this song…”

“…Reading the Lyrics, makes me think she is singing about Elvis.”

“I usually post it with this one…”

“…Prohibition. Those were some wicked times.”


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So some of ya’ll like bears


( I swear I was at first just “Eh that bear ain’t that big” then 8 seconds go by and the camera pans over. lol )


The lyrics, her voice and emotion along with the instrumentation. It’s held up so well. I’d turn the volume way up, but I’m at work. lol

I did a little Google and it is about Elvis. Very good observation. :grin: Also fun fact, the singer Alannah Myles is Canadian as well as the gentleman who wrote the song.

Oh! Speaking of Elvis, I’ve got a movie/mockumentary recommendation. Elvis Meets Nixon. It is an embellished account of the true story of Elvis meeting Nixon. There are a lot of funny scenes. My dad loves it and I get a kick out of watching it with him. We at least always watch the donut scene. I’d link the YouTube video it, but I think there’s some language and I’d rather not lose my posting privileges. :sweat_smile:

Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress. Those lyrics alone are pretty awesome. Great song to get my morning started off. :smiley:

I’m not as familiar with The Ballad of Danny Bailey. Fits in with the whole Southern theme really well, though.


It’s astounding how big bears can get. Usually we see the smaller black bears. I’d love to play with one, but I’d probably die horribly. lol

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“I was RIGHT!!! It was the Love Me Tender line, that gave it away.”

“Danny Bailey is about the Prohibition Era, like Long Cool Woman. Only reason I added it at the last minute.”

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