LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

speak for yourself bud

Meh. I’m happy with who I am. You’re clearly not if you seek an argument when we’re just chilling.


“If you don’t like the conversation, feel free to look elsewhere for your entertainment.”


I swear these types all know only one joke and it’s on repeat.

sees the thread they made

I rest my case


“Am reading it, waiting for the Yeti Hammer to fall.”

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It reminds me of the tickle me elmo doll, he also only has about 8 things to say.


Meh. Muted it after flagging it.

They all say the same crap trying to have a “discussion” then wonder why no one wants to talk to them.

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How was your day?

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not my type

Didn’t really go a way you wanted? Bummer. Well there’s always tomorrow


The free bumps are nice I suppose.

Never understand why folk like that don’t just mute the thread though


Because leaving it unmuted gives them a chance for their brain to push that little button inside it that goes “Okay you’re happy now”.


Looking for attention I suppose

That too.

“Welcome to the Internet” as the song goes


I love that with everything going on people are still just showing how much they hate LGBTQ+ people. Literally no ability to read the room.

I left a little trolly comment and ima just block the OP of it.


Well in that case .

Good morning worm your honor

What’s everyone doing while the servers are down? Anyone notice that heterosexual equivalent to this thread? Think that will last?

I booted up MTG Arena for the first time in months and played a game. Lost. But it was nice to know I could still maneuver the ui. I was a little afraid I’d forgotten.

They made this thread so that people of the LGBT community could have a place to talk among them selves and those of us that are straight and don’t feel the need to troll them like people like you do . Yes some ideas are thrown out but it is not like those threads saying we want this or that . It is a place to just chill and to help reduce the troll threads .

Have you actually read anything in this thread or did you do what every other troll has done and saw the title , checked out a thread or 2 near the end just so you can make it look like you read something then made your trollish comment .

Like it has been said you don’t like it don’t click on the thread and if you have then .

Let’s be honest how many kids are playing WoW . Most are more likely to play Fortnite .
Even more so how many are actually in the forums .

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Loved your comment, it was quite artistic

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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that is the DUMBEST argument I’ve ever read.

That’s like saying straight people only ever talk about sex with the opposite gender and have no other topic of conversation.

Yes, literally NO ONE here is talking about sex or who does what or what goes where. People are mostly just talking about their general life experiences and how they relate to others in society or how they relate to games.

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