Say you are the parent of a teen who just told you they feel they are transgender. Once you say I’ll love you no matter what and everything will be ok and we will get through this.
What do you ?
Do I take them to meet with a psychologist to process everything?
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You’d likely have to do that anyway to get them access to HRT. Since the brain goes through its own changes with HRT and it helps to just have someone monitoring things and making sure the dose isn’t messing with them.
I’m told it varies depending on where you live.
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Hormone replacement Therapy. Like how transwomen get estrogen and transmen get testosterone.
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Ahhhh okay
Who is this little Protozoa coming at you ?
What I did was bring it up to my doctor. He doesn’t really handle hormones but he recommended a friend of his that specialized in it.
Things have just been stalled here for me because of money ( no insurance ) .
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Hmmm? You mean the death knight or someone in another thread?
The DK looking for validation
I’d imagine a good first step is your primary care (or your childs in this case) doctor.
They’ll be able to refer you to the proper experts and give you information on where to go and what to do and how best to help.
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Ah. Eh I’m not paying him too much mind.
Okay just looking at wikipedia. Apparently in some places all your kid needs is informed consent which doesn’t include the psych evaluations. Apparently Planned Parenthood advocates for this so if you got one in your area, maybe talking to folks there could help
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I think I’ll start with the pediatrician
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Baby steps I know it probably all sounds scary for both the parent and the kid.
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Yes it’s a change for sure
Not a total surprise
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Sounds like the both of you have a good base to work with. I mean a support system since you obviously love your kid and they feel safe. That’s important.
I wish you both the best of luck.
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Ty, I’m still processing it but I really didn’t know what to do
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Like I said. Baby steps.
Oh. And try to not worry so much about misgendering or dead naming your kid. There’s a big difference between a simple goof up as you’re adjusting to doing it on purpose.
I know people who would kill to have had their parents react as you have.
You’re on the right track. Like Rosenivy says.
Take it slow.
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I just want them to be ok with themselves and not feel bad