LGBT+ Positivity Thread

Bruh we legit got someone trying to justify homophobia in this thread. Amazing.


The latter. I’ve never hated any tv show like I hate spiders. Probably 'cuz I’m not afraid of TV shows.


That’s great… obviously people don’t respond to trauma the same way. I’m sure you’re not implying that.

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He really hit me with the “What’s wrong with you” cuz I said I don’t have patience for homophobia. The self victimization in play here is astronomical.

If someone has an irrational fear of something, they probably don’t deserve to be victimised for it.

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Nope just a counter.

Homophobia only exists with humans. Out in the wild, gay animals often take care of abandoned babies.

Hence why I believe it only exists with people that want to hate but also want to still participate in society.


You are aware that the current definition of homophobia isn’t classified by fear, it’s classified by a dislike/negative feelings against a person whom is lgbt?


So what if the situation was reversed? Would you be more sympathetic to someone that suffered abuse and trauma from a “straight” person and developed an irrational fear of them?

Or is that just another choice to hate in your opinion?


Fear is also included in the official definition. Not wikipedia.

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Hey guys! Just a reminder, this is a troll trying to waste your gay time, so move on, stop trying to reason with him. You’ve all got better things to do. <333

Hey, takes one to know one.


Most instances where that happens its not really the straight part that traumatizes someone.

Even then actual trauma can be lessened with therapy. You can’t give therapy to someone who is choosing to be hateful


The only issue I have with this is it will most likely be censored/removed in the Chinese version and that makes the entire thing worthless imo. hopefully I’m wrong but I doubt Blizzard will want to offend China.

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So then we agree that the term ‘homophobia’ is being misused to refer to bigotry instead of a traumatised individual?


The abuse or trauma that causes the phobia is not usually from the thing that they have a phobia of. It’s usually taught by parents. I have never been traumatized by spiders, but I have an irrational fear of them. It’s most likely from the fact that my mom treated spiders like they were the devil. If there was a spider in the room, we fled ASAP.
It’s the same with homophobia. If your parents raised you dreading the fact that you might be gay, that fear was instilled in you without you even knowing it.


Yes, that’s one way of teaching someone to fear. It’s not the only way. It’s certainly not the most traumatic.


That is the current definition. There is no actual phobia unless it’s been drilled into someones head from a very young age. Similar to Westboro Baptist. Even then it’s not a phobia. It’s brainwashing.

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Then the word is being misused…


I see that’s a quote you like to use often! Good for you, baby!

So are a lot of words. Language tends to evolve like that.

Much like how “literally” can now mean the total opposite in the dictionary

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