LGBT+ Positivity Thread


Coming for what?

You know :wink:

People aren’t going to respect you if you expect them to let you walk over them. If that’s the definition you’re using. Since it’s impossible to know which definition you’re using I really can’t tell what you mean. :woman_shrugging:

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a small minority coming foooorrr…ya I seem to have missed it…

You’ll know it when you feel it.


wait so there are many definitions of respect?

Sugar you just dont have the numbers…

Ain’t even scared. I got a bunker filled with cargo shorts and Axe deodorant.

Its about two, either people see respect as just given decency for your fellow human beings. Or they see it as something that only they deserve and they should be allowed to walk over everyone or you’re not respecting them.

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Quite a few.

sort of

  • For self: This kind refers to the ability to respect oneself, to value and appreciate oneself. Accepting oneself regardless of what others think.
  • For others: This kind refers to the act of tolerating accepting and considering another person, even though there may be differences between them, or between the way they think. Some examples would be; respect for parents, men and women equally, teachers, older people, other’s religious beliefs, respect for people of different sexual orientation (lesbians, transgender, gay, bisexual, intersex, etc.), etc.
  • For social norms: This kind refers to the ability to respect all the norms that govern society. Some examples of this type of respect would be: respect for courtesy rules, working hours, other people’s belongings, letting them speak and listen, respecting others opinions.
  • For nature: This kind refers to the appreciation of the environment (animals, plants, rivers, etc.). Some examples of this type of respect would be; not throwing garbage in rivers, forests, or fields, not tearing up plants or mistreating nature, not wasting water, not harming animals or insects, recycling, using environmentally friendly means of transport, etc.
  • For the family: This kind implies being able to understand and respect each other within the family, and implies being able to follow a set of rules of coexistence.
  • For values: This kind refers to the ability to honor our own principles.
  • For culture: This type of value refers to the ability to recognize that there are other beliefs and be able to respect them. Some example of this kind of respect would be; not trying to impose our beliefs on others, avoid making judgments about the opinions of others, etc.
  • For national symbols: This kind refers to the ability to value and appreciate the symbols of a nation. For example, the anthem or the flag.
  • For human beings: This type refers to the ability to comply with legal norms, respect laws, etc.

Fine by me, I’m not here to make friends, seeing how despicable so many of you on this very forum acted about a certain someone contracting a virus.

After that. I have seen how vile so many of these users are.

You are no different.

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I said the same thing like 20 posts up and it’s very very true.

wait cargo shorts and axe underarm ??? can I bring 90 days of rations? and Money?

So, you’re labeling me as something I never did to fit your narrative now? Very nice. Alright “exorcist”

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I have ten fingers, babe. That’s all I need.

um ya nope! First statement yes, second is NOT respect.

you still dont have what it takes. you can keep thinking you do, but in reality you dont.