LGBT ingame zone

Isn’t that what communities and guilds are for?

Also, why do you think you deserve a special spot in game just because you like someone of the same gender?

What does that have to do with the video game? And why should that make you more special than someone who likes the opposite gender?

Why don’t you just get along with everyone?

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Popcorn tossed in garlic herb butter


Yea but is anyone going to talk about how Bundy went on to score four touchdowns, the three to catch up, and the one for victory, winning the game for Polk High.


Scuse me sir, this thread is about pop corn. Try not to detail it :smiley:


But on a side note What type of popcorn do you like?


And no concern about how this place may be trolled?

I wouldn’t hang out there, it’d be infested.

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I used to like the little flavour shakers that they had at the movie theatres. There was one that I liked that was a “spicy thai” type seasoning… It was really good.

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As long as they bring popcorn What type of popcorn do you like

WOW is not Eharmony ffs! Get a grip! Keep all that crud out of a game! Go play Sims if you really want that.

Sheesh, was it not Sunday yesterday?

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Yes it was Did You have popcorn on Sunday

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Why yes i did! Every Sunday lol!

Fun fact Nebraska produces the most popcorn than any state


Literally dripping with butter!


While that would be nice, it’s what guilds and communities are for.

We actually have a little cart popcorn maker. Best item i have bought in a long time, besides my Harley that is! LOL!

I’m proud of all of you that didn’t take the bait :’)

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One of those Goblin disco areas? Why not.

This place is already exist. It’s called world of warcraft. Why the heck do you need to segregate yourself from a world? Are you UNIQUE? Are you better? Are you worse?

Play as everyone else.

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While I like the idea of having more inclusivity in-game, I don’t think dedicating zones or areas for social LGBT activities will be smart or helpful. There will be too many trolls and those looking to sabotage those in these types of areas. I think it’s best people stick to guilds and communities for these types of interactions.