LGBT ingame zone

Isn’t the Ardenweld zone for the Alphabet Gang?

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They don’t want to network and socialize with everybody?


We don’t want them

Sure, but, it’d be encouraging for them to be with others like them.

100 years ago?

I was beat up every week until I was 17, and I moved to a whole new country. I have life long lesions on my hands and feet from fighting. I had to get surgery on my face from injuries.

You do not get to minimize my experience.

to a whole new country

Where you from? Where’d you go?

My guess… somewhere like tattoine.

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I don’t think many people care if you’re gay or not tbh. No one would even know online unless you point it out for some reason. Not really that big of a deal that people keep making it out to be imo.


But they aren’t ‘like them’.

They may share a sexuality…that’s it. That is literally it. Being LGBT isn’t a personality indicator.

Unless you subscribe to the belief that a sexuality affects your values/religion/political leanings/food taste/education etc. then why would me liking ‘D’ and Tom liking ‘D’ mean we have anything in common at all?

It’s an insular and incredibly backwards way to think.

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Maybe like 100 years ago and in a major religious community. It’s 2021. Noone worth your time is gonna judge you for being lgbt now.

Maybe like 60 years ago. Now its just based off your your character and personality.

In my Catholic group (When I was still Catholic) there were plenty of minorities that were welcome and took part in activities and were respected just as much as everyone else was. Sounds like you grew up in a very toxic and dangerous environment.

It really isnt. Have you even read a discrimination law. In this time and age, we judge you by your character not by your gender, sexual orientation, age, race, ect. Get with the times.

People from every part of the world have their share of struggle, challenges, and pain they had to go through. It just depends on how you are raised and where you lived. Courage is found in many ways and forms. Courage is doing what you choose to do despite your fears going against you. We all have a moment in our lives that we must push ourselves despite the odds or the risks taken to achieve something not many have. My life wasn’t glamorous but it wasn’t as difficult than others either. Same goes for you. You shouldn’t be talking for other’s when you only have your own burdens, only you can fully understand and noone else does.

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High school was a cespool of toxic behavior. Bet every one of those folks that beat you up are kicking their own asses now looking back at what they did to you.

Maybe, maybe not; maybe they still feel proud about it. Regardless, that doesn’t change the fact that it wasn’t 100 years ago. This still happens today. And this is not something that happens to straight people just for the sake of being straight. Again, it’s about relativity; it’s HARDER the be LGBT (or any other minority). It also doesn’t change the fact that I’m the one with the life-long injuries, and the debt from surgery.

Also, daily reminder that in some countries, you can get KILLED for being LGBT.

Just because YOU don’t have to think about it; doesn’t mean that it’s not affecting the lives of millions of people in the world. That’s the thing with privilege, when you have it, you don’t realize what it’s like not to have it at all unless pointed out.

We don’t have to think about world hunger; we have spare money to pay for GAMES. But I bet there’s millions of kids in Africa who can’t think of anything else other than food.

Yes, the world IS a hard place; at varying degrees depending on where you were born, your particular set of genetics, and your socioeconomic situation. If you think everyone else’s life is as easy as yours, then you need to get out more.

the server is called proudmore


No, but it does happen to straight (and otherwise) people regularly everywhere. It happens to almost anyone with anything that a bully can fixate on.

What those awful people did to you was horrible, but if you weren’t gay they would probably have just found some other reason to beat you up, or found someone else. People like that aren’t just nice to someone because they aren’t gay. They don’t suddenly become not bullies because there isn’t a gay person around.

They’ll beat up someone for being too small/tall, fat/thin, big ears, ginger, black, gay, disabled etc. Literally any difference they can latch on to will be the reason they use, but they would have had to find someone to beat either way.

ANNNNDDD that’s the point. Being a minority is harder because there will always be people in the majority group who feel entitled to treat everyone else like garbage just because they are different.

My point was that you don’t have be in an official minority group for that to happen. You could just be someone with slightly differently shaped ears for all a bully cares.

Yes, I understand your stance, I’m just giving perspective and relativity.

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Also, the fact that bullies can be from those very same minority groups, means that anyone can be the victim of this type of behavior. Possibly pent up retaliatory response, but still happens.

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BS, no one cares in 2021… I was a gay male in the seventies and eighties in the south the difference between then and now… totally different


In some countries you’ll get killed if you’re not a certain religion… in some countries you get killed if you’re not a virgin…

rolls eyes

not all countries are the US. Also, how old do you think I am?

Could care less

What is with people these days?

Always asking for someone else to provide a solution instead of doin it themselves. Such lazy. many entitlement.

Like do you really need blizzard to officially declare a special zone to feel valid? Nothing is stopping you from just using what already exists to accomplish your goals. But then you would have to do the legwork.

Also the absurdity of self-segregation is braidead as it gets. Everyone before you that fought actual discrimination would be furious about this.