LGBT ingame zone

Yes I think there is often an infantilising undertone when people talk of victim hood in terms of LGBT etc. There never seems to be the acknowledgment that anyone, including those who are often portrayed as helpless victims, can also be the bully.

But it is acknowledged. It even has a name: internalization.

But then the very idea of ā€˜safe spacesā€™ or groups based purely around a particular characteristic being somehow good is silly isnā€™t it?

Because those people have just as much chance of being a bully or an unpleasant person as any person who doesnā€™t share that characteristic.

Well, I donā€™t care much for the OPā€™s idea. I just replied to someone saying their life was hard because they were straight; which is silly at best, disrespectful at worst.

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So only minorities and lgbtq can only have a hard life?


No, not at all what Iā€™ve argued. Simply that your life will be hardER if you are part of a minority.

Right? Even (most of) those on the ā€œrightā€ could care less unless youā€™re throwing your sexuality in their face.

Live and let live.


Which is just plain BS

Well, with a defeatist outlook like that I suppose so.

But is that really a message we should be sending?

ā€œYouā€™re a minority. Good luck. Lolā€

Kinda sick if you ask me.

Iā€™m not sure about that.

My brother is gay, but also from a very well off family. Had the best education, best of everything, lovely husband and kids. He himself will say heā€™s had a pretty charmed life. There are issues of course, but not anything that he feels has severely affected him at all.

Compared to another boy in our extended family whose parents had nothing (were estranged and refused any offers of help) who had little access to healthcare/education, child abuse, and a large birthmark on his face which meant pretty much relentless bullying and laughter at his expense (even at his job as an adult) on the whole my brothers life was so much easier.

I donā€™t think we can ever say itā€™s as simple as ā€˜Iā€™m in this group so my life will always be harder than everyoneā€™s life who isnā€™t in this groupā€™. Itā€™s so multifaceted.


You know whatā€™s the the most determining Factor if you have a hard life or not no matter what your skin color is as a kid growing up

If you have both of your parents in the household or not

yes, but this is how you compare each factor individually: set everything else as a constant and ONLY change that one variable.

Assume two rich kids that had everything spoon fed to them their whole lives. The ones that is gay will struggle slightly more than the one that is straight. Or two orphans who grew up in shelters, the one that is black will struggle slightly more than the one thatā€™s white.

Thatā€™s the point. It ADDS one more layer of struggle. If you didnā€™t have many struggles to begin with, then itā€™s not very representative, but if you already started with the cards stacked against you, itā€™s just one more thing to overcome.

Hence, hardER.

I understand the point you are trying to make. Its the same one Iā€™ve heard over and over.

But immediately putting someone in a box because of their orientation or skin color in efforts to correct a perceived injustice is what is perpetuating the entire problem.

The only difference between the kids in your example is the one that you created.

Quit it.

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That was a lot, Iā€™ll try to answer everything:

I was hit with a baseball bat; so, broken bones in my face. I was used to having to fight on the regular, so I have a few deformed metatarsals in my hands and feet from untreated injuries. Also one overextended elbow.

Regardless, I canā€™t really complain about much in my life NOW. First of all, leaving a 3rd world country to move to America is already a privilege not many can afford. I am intelligent, and that is a MASSIVE privilege, Iā€™m aware. So, I was able to have a good career and I have a good salary just sitting in my office most of the day. My struggles have actually made me better at my job, as it is easier to diagnose or develop empathy when you have lived some of these things yourself.

But that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ll ever forget, it doesnā€™t mean other people from a similar background had to jump nearly as many fences to get to the same spot, and it sure does not mean Iā€™d stop fighting for others. When I was a kid Iā€™d have given the world to have someone tell me it was ok, and it would get better, so now it is my turn to try to make it better for those kids; or even, those adults who went through hell and are still cleansing their wounds.

To clarify: Iā€™m a Psy D. and I work almost exclusively with Medicaid patients, hence, all are poor, and many are also immigrants, or part of minority groups. Iā€™m one of the fortunate people who got to keep their jobs in this pandemic.

Itā€™s very unfortunate that you are in a difficult economic situation. Hopefully, youā€™ll make it out and will look back at this hardship as a moment of learning. But life is rarely fair, you are going to have to fight, and fight very hard. Just never lose the drive and strength, and remember that it could always be worseā€¦ you know, you could also be single, or not have any family to back you up, or you could be sickā€¦ At least you donā€™t have to worry about getting physically assaulted just based on the way you look or who you are dating (or whomever you are NOT dating but people think you like).

Yes, relativity is important. Acknowledging it is necessary.

I can 1000% guarantee you that blizzard will not take on policing a segregated safe space for anyone. ā€œso and so entered our space and is teasing usā€

Really?? Think about what you are asking for
It would be ground zero for troll shenanigans

if you want a seperate safe place make it an instanced one
you can do that now on your own without anything special from blizzard
make a toon or use and existing toon, level it to WOD open up the garrison.

Invite who you wish
advertise it on discord or forums
kick who doesnā€™t follow your rules.
turn off trade chat
there, now you have a private instanced safe space

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Lol, dude idk why youā€™re trying to stan lgbt people so hard. First off, this post, which isnā€™t even mine, is clearly a troll post.

Secondly, Iā€™m mocking the OP for clearing wanting segregation, you know, like a racist.

Third, if you want to die on the hill that LGBT people have nothing more in common than them liking to suck D or not, go for it. But, make sure to observe the LGBT community. Itā€™s like hay in a hay field.

shut up bigot! heā€™s the victim, kiss his feet! /s

Yes, it was quite long winded so apologies if it caused you to get a head ache.

Goodness gracious. All this because you were gay? Or was it people just liked fighting you?

Is it? Seems more like a gift being able to process things much easier than most. Figured privilege was more of having others give it to you rather than being born with it.

A hard life can make others more humble for sure. But matters on what you mentally make of it also. I try not to be spiteful or hold grudges personally. Definitely helps me listen to what people have to say.

Yes it was a difficult first year when the pandemic came around. Thankfully the college I work for will be reopening and precautions are in place with the coming semester in the Spring. So I will be back up and working soon enough. When you live in a city, and every where had to cut people it was hard to find new work.

And itā€™s good to see you took your pain and instead of not doing anything with it, help the younger folks or older still struggling cope and make it more clear to them that their struggles dont mean itā€™s a dead end. There is always an uphill battle but the steepness may not be as impossible to climb once you hear it from others whoā€™m have already been through it.

I am quite aware of that. As for the economic situation, I am doing alright getting by. My partner, I spoke about before are still together, she got a new job a while back and shes been a major help while I was still unemployed. Before, I was working and she was out the job so we are sharing the burden and supporting one another. She got a job in the medical field as a translator due to her being Puerto Rican and speaks fluent Spanish.

I could be single but then id miss my partner yelling angrily at me in Spanish while smacking me with her sandal. xD As for the family My mother and father passed by the time I reached the age of 18 but I managed luckily with the help of others. As for physically assalted and judged the way I look. Work and run in with college students, so it happens every now and again but definitely not that intense you went through. And I hope you live a better life now than you have before. Just because your life started out bad wont mean it will stay that way.

Thats how change is made.

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Still waiting on the day you can have your own home in game. That be pretty cool too.

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The police raided a warehouse a few years ago that could have been considered a zone like this in my city.

Moderator: Locking this discussion as the direction it has taken is largely not relevant to WOW. If youā€™d like to have a discussion about real life politics or social issues, please take it to an off-topic forum.