LGBT ingame zone

Got anything specific in mind, op?

It takes bravery to be yourself no matter what silly label is applied.

For an advocate of lgbtq+ I’m surprised you lack basic understanding behind the powerful message “brave and beautiful.”

It doesnt take bravery to be cisgender.

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Are you kidding me? I shivered in my boots when I wanted to ask out my girlfriend. We were best friends and the thought of them being creeped out, disgusted, and just down right ending our friendship there was terrifying.

You ever walk up to a person you found to be a potential partner, asked them out and get “ew” as a response? That smack in the face hurts.

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really? Were you afraid she’d beat you up? Or were you afraid other people would attack you if they saw you together on the streets?

It’s really not the same thing.

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This thread moved away from popcorn and is now a total pile of crap.

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Move the goal-posts all you want but I’ve already dismissed you for a concern troll.

Did I say that?

Now you just misconstruing my point.

But I’ll humor you. People get beaten up all the time over pretty much everything. have you ever went through high school? And to fill in some clarity. I was afraid I would lose someone I respected and enjoyed being around with. She was my first crush, my best friend, my crutch and motivation to get me what I wanted to be to earn a partner who saw me as an equal. It was during High school this wasnt when I was a full on adult.

Ok, now imagine that, but you could lose EVERYONE. Her, her friends, your friends, your family, the respect of every acquaintance, your job, your church group, your band (or whatever social hobby)…

Yeah, it’s not the same thing at all.

1940 segregationist rubbing their hands together

I could have lost that too some guys who try asking certain girls or guys out usually get made fun of and bullied for thinking they were any good for that person.

I was judged picking her just because she wasn’t Catholic. But in heart, neither was I. I didn’t mind it much because my family constantly has issues with the law anyway so I didn’t mind when they told me not to come over to their Thanksgiving or family gatherings with them. I just joined her family. lol

I got fired for asking for a raise while being a manager and making 8 bucks an hour. Least you have discrimination laws to protect you from having that happen.

Religion has been quite a thorn in everyone’s side. Still remember getting whipped by a ruler in front of my church group for falling asleep during a sermon.

people come and go with the tides. I’ve been ousted from groups and found others. Sure it was painful but always and appreciated the ones that stayed with me to this day.

Your mog with that comment made me laugh.

why do you want to segregate lgbt people?


So, in your mind, it is impossible to ‘peacefully exist’ if you have to be in a place where (shock horror) some people might be different to you? There are already communities available if you want to do that.

People need to be ‘secluded’ away from all others to be at peace? That isn’t what I and many others campaigned for.

I don’t even go anywhere near the word ‘valid’.

In a day and age where most people couldn’t give two shiny pebbles about what you do/who you want to do it to, valid just means ‘pay me attention, it’s not good enough that you are getting on with your own life and ignoring me. Come and put my way if life at the front of your priorities’.

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the thing is, yes, everyone is always at risk of losing other people, but when you are LGBT that risk is multiplied times 1000.

Or when you are a PoC, you might not even get the chance to be part of the group in the first place.

Similar for religious minorities.

Being a minority is intrinsically a lot harder. That’s the point.

Whatever you think it’s hard in your life, a minority will have to deal with it too, ON TOP of other stuff unique to each group. Hence, “courage.”

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Because they deserve it

To network and socialize

this tread needs a bucket of kittens
you’re welcome

I think it has more to do with finding others related in being part of lgbt community.
Makes it easier to find someone to find who you find in a friend or partner without the worry of asking someone else that isnt lgbt.

Kinda like speed dating.

the thing is, yes, everyone is always at risk of losing other people, but when you are LGBT that risk is multiplied times 1000.

Yeah, if you lived in the world 100 years ago.

Proof, LGBT stuff is everywhere now. Gays are celebrated by big corps, government, etc. Stop acting like you live in the early 1900’s.

Same for your claim about being a minority.

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Thank you, you wholesome, beautiful person.