LGBT ingame zone

Maybe they should add forums and server for the alphabet gang, and leave the rest of us alone since you want to be separated and treated special. Just my 2 cents.

If the LGBT kids don’t want you to know where they are meeting up you might not be a part of that group.
Don’t force it.
Be yourself.

It’s flagged so looking like this is trolling but for anyone out there that actually wants/needs to know,

you can search communities in game

If you go to the communities tab and type in lgbt and hit search you’ll see a large list of LGBT communities. You can join these communities and then join/start groups with those like-minded individuals.

In this example you could even agree on a time/place in game to have social meet-ups in game.

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free popcorn?
I’ll take 8!

This is why i miss the dislike button

On one hand, it seems like OP is obviously being obnoxious to troll.

On the other hand, this is how people with pronouns in their profile act on twitter so it’s more likely than not this isn’t a troll, but someone who is so delusional they appear like a troll to normal people.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the only people who want so called ‘safe spaces’ are hateful and fearful (ie- phobic). Most LGBT very specifically do not want to be isolated and separated from the rest of people. All the people who fought to end segregation turn in their graves when people like the OP ask for separation.


You will be quite suprised by the many things human beings will do for Youtube views, WoW forum likes, Instagram hearts, Twitter retweets, ect.


^ Exactly. I don’t understand why they want to isolate themselves when people before hand fought so hard to be included in the world.

This is the kind of whackery that comes out of Twitter echo chambers
 which of course we all know
 Twitter is a #$%^ hole of people outside of the reality spectrum.

Think about this for a second. In the past some straight people attacked gays etc, and kicked them out of groups, or social functions. Now it would seem that xenophobia has transferred to some of the LGBT community
 Becoming that which they despise.

Inclusion IS inclusion, but not in its current state. The inclusion demanded is by people who are practicing exclusion. Inclusion in its current form is a lie, and I will not support it in its current state.

It would seem that humans are still suffering from their tribalistic nature. We think we’re progressive
 we think we’re advancing, but I still see our deepest, and darkest flaws in plain sight. Will humanity ever evolve? Honestly, I’m not convinced.


Some of the hate in this thread is one of the reasons why I think my idea is good. More life to a dead zone in the game and less hate. I cant even use trade chat anymore

I swear people just make up problems these days.


And that in a nutshell is where I think a huge problem with this new movement lies.

Disagreement does not equal hate.

Wanting someone to be really hurt, to die, to not be able to work, access healthcare, buy property, access education or legal support, all purely because of who they happen to be attracted to, that is hate.

Disagreeing with someone’s opinion is not.


ignoring and dismissing marginalized people and their struggles is hate and hate enabling .

This isn’t grindr. Get real.


back to reddit

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No thanks enough resources are wasted as it is.

No one is ignoring you. They are disagreeing with you. Learn the difference.

So all people who are marginalised must be agreed with 100% all of the time? Or, as I suspect, is it just ‘your’ group of marginalised people?

What if the people who disagree with you are from the same ‘tribe’ of marginalised people? Or people who are even more marginalised than you are?

Who wins the victimhood human top trumps? Women? LGBT? The working class? Disabled? Persecuted religions/peoples? BAME?

Who exactly should be listened to above all others and never ever questioned on any idea/opinion they come up with?

and here is a really radical idea.

Maybe the exchange of ideas and opinions in of themselves is not ‘hate’.

Anyone’s views are open to scrutiny, and are able to be agreed or disagreed with, whether they belong to any sort of ‘community’ or not.


All I’m asking for is a secluded area where lgbt+ can peacefully exist asking for permission to exist and knowing we are valid in azeroth isnt radical

Asking for validity is just going to confuse normal people who are brave enough to go out into public as themselves.

It doesn’t take bravery to be non marginalized / the majority.

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You’re getting awfully bent out of shape over an obvious troll post.