LGBT ingame zone

i think this is great idea given how this games community tends to be. but it would be super out of place to have an actual in game zone in the game considering that all of them are actual inuniverse locations. this isnt like trove or anything. its a WORLD. it would make much more sense to be like a chat channel or something

Yeah how dare modern video games inject politics * looks at 90% of popular rpg games over the last 20 years * how dare they start doing this when this didnt exist in the past!

I like to drink a 1/2 gallon of milk in one sitting then go out and do yardwork in 105 degree heat.

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…isn’t that Goldshire Inn? I mean, like really…isn’t what you are asking for already there on Moonguard Goldshire Inn?

I remember on moonguard there was this place at silver moon city or atleast used to be.

Posts like these make the LGBT community look terrible. I feel bad for those in it and have to deal with their fellow LGBT friends making constant nonsense like this and then everyone else gets annoyed. You should probably stop making them look like jokes.


this isn’t second life. this is a fantasy world.

please, go to second life. they have everything you want.

Have you seen trade chat and how people talk in coms? One little area to ourselves would feel like fresh air I think they should add an item to the store that can teleport us there even and some of the cost should go to charity would be awesome

We fought in the seventies and eighties to just be accepted… for whom we were and who we loved…

And now for the most part we are accepted most people just don’t care which is awesome

And the new generation just expletives down the drain… And just want to be segregated all over again…

If a few words hurt your feelings you need to get off the internet try living in the seventies and eighties in the South and being gay…

I was stabbed beat the hell up doctors didn’t think I was going to live and you people cry about bad words over the internet

For the small chance that you’re not a troll.

Are you out of your mind? You must be if you seriously think there will ever be an LGTBQ exclusive zone or area anywhere in WoW. Like that completely goes against inclusion doesn’t it?

LGTBQ characters are prominent in SL but of course its not enough to satisfy yahoos like you. Now you want entire exclusive areas.

How would that even mechanically work? Blizz will add a LGTBQ option n Like just crawl back into your imaginary perfect world.

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This “LGBT” area should just be literally any community or guild in the game - I always find it strange when someone asks me for a “LGBT guild”… most guilds support it anyways, as why would anyone care about your sexuality in a video game?


thanks milkbelly great post!

Btw, literally everyone agrees this is a troll post. How is this not flagged or deleted? Are there key words they won’t touch?

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You don’t need a special designated area to mngle. There isn’t a non lgbtq mingle zone. Just do it wherever.

This is why people get annoyed. Most people don’t care what you do in your personal life. I’m happy for you doing your thing… but I don’t wanna know about it anymore than I wanna know about anybody else’s personal life.

You don’t need anyones blessing to go do your thing. Just go do it and stop trying to rub literally everybodies face in it. Nobody likes an attention *****.

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World of Warcraft is LGBTQ friendly

continues to sperg out any time it’s mentioned

LGBT person here - I’m against this.

How about we just mingle with the community like normal people? Why do we need to isolate ourselves?


same here. give me the kind of popcorn they serve in movie theaters.

I often wonder when we got to the point that some people only feel ‘safe’ or like they can be friends with people who have the same/similar sexual preferences as them.

People are so much more than their sexuality. Just because someone else fancies who you do doesn’t make them a ‘community’. Shared values, hobbies, humour…none of these things are dictated by what sex someone is attracted to.

It’s genuinely bizarre, and I can’t figure out where this ‘movement’ has come from. Things seemed much more progressive even in the 80’s/90’s!!!

Love who you want, but please stop thinking it confers some sort of personality or community upon you. It doesn’t mean that person will align with your beliefs, politics (that’s a whole other thing, when did we stop being capable of having opposing political views but still being able to have a respectful discussion/be friends) values or literally anything other than sharing a sexuality.

It’s just not how it’ was supposed to be.


This is why my brother and his husband don’t go to pride anymore.

A) It used to be about acceptance that gay people were just the same as the average guy/woman on the street. To show the ignorant that they just want to love/live/work in peace, same as you.
Now it’s basically a fetish walk with guys in over sexualised BDSM gear/ bottomless pants/furries etc. Now it’s all about making out LGBT are a completely different, sparklier, more special, completely not normal species. A far cry from most gay people who just want to live their normal life.

B) It’s not suitable for their kids anymore because of the above.


OP discusses and desires more LGBT representation in the game

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No PoLitIcS or SoCial IssUEs iN gAme

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