LGBT ingame zone

There are plenty places where, “Marginalized” people can meet and make friends, they’re called LGBTQA+ centered Guilds and Communities, Discord and alike. There doesn’t need to be a special safe place for meet ups…

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The quality of this forum’s troll threads is really slipping these days. Y’all should be ashamed, at least make an attempt to sound genuine.

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Me too and not just popcorn I salt everything lol.

Just read title, only thought ardenweald


I hear Alliance - Moonguard - Goldshire - Prancing Pony Inn is a great place for this type of activity.

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So pick a zone and find some like minded people and go for it.

…Modern trolling now days sucks.


So which way do you want it, exclusive area or inclusion?

Segregation never did anyone any good.

That being said, it’s well known proudmore has probably the largest LGBT community, why not schedule meet ups on their forum subtopic or discord. No one is stopping you from that. Or join one of their communities on the community guild thing.

Every zone is an lgbt zone.

As a gay man I would love to know how I’m marginalized. I open up Netflix, HBO, Hulu etc. and it’s plastered with LGB shows for some reason (Overrepresentation, the exact opposite of marginalization.) I have greater legal protections than a straight person, and oh there are literally foundations that will give me school grants because I like balls.


Quit trying to force LGBTQ down the worlds throat , stay in your bedroom and do whatever you want, stop trying to bring attention to your lifestyle as a “Oh look at me, I think I deserve something special”. Most, of the world really has no care. Peace!


I hear dark alleys in poor neighborhoods are a great place to meet try that?

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But make it auto flag people who enter so we can punish the bigots who would troll the safe space.

Yeah man I agree lgbt+ should have a segra- I mean separate area for themselves.

Can even put some nice walls around it too. Wouldn’t that be nice?

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I love how op is being ignored. Bad bait zoomer.

Dill and Garlic? Scuse me… I gotta…


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Oh darling!!! What do you think Silvermoon City is?? With all the nice colors, fabrics, fit and handsome men walking around with outstanding outfits and hair so fabulous that if hair styles were money they would be the top 1%

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Gallywix Pleasure Palace is the obvious spot.

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Is Goldshire not a thing anymore?

Oh, I have an idea of where you can go! Away.