LGBT ingame zone

not real life BS in game keep that Sh… out

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Well if you go to Gilneas at like 3am you’ll see the worgen roleplayers. I assume you can easily set something like that up. There’s a bunch of empty areas, there’s even a cool island off the coast of Tanaris that’s empty (unless they removed it).

Where do i find the salt and butter? I feel we’re in for a good show

Have you been to goldshire in moonguard? :smiley:

Don’t remind me of that filthy place. You need a Hazmat suit to feel safe going in there.

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Why can’t they do this everywhere else in-game? Why do you want to segregate them?

Reporting for troll!


This is a good idea. This is an MMORPG, we need more community aspects to it, and frankly the LGBT+ is one of the best communities around!

This is a good troll post

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As an ally and questioning person this could be a nice addition.

Ok, as long as we can have an area for straight people only. See how bigotry sounds?


Why does blizz have to change anything? Just take your pals somewhere and RP whatever you want to your hearts desire. I know on my server there are a few LGBT guilds always advertising in trade, so it cant be that hard to find others in that community.

This is really bad obvious bait. I gotta wonder sometimes do people even try anymore to mask their bait?

They don’t want to create their own. They want the world to cater to them. They feel more important than the rest of us, so they feel entitled to have more than we do.


OP: Wants to partition off a zone exclusive to LGBT.

Also OP: Thinks it’s hard to meet open minded people.

Welcome to 2021.


191 posts about popcorn, we did good this time.


Let’s plunge a titan-sized sword into a dead zone. That will bring some more life into it.


Every zone is an LGBT zone when I play in it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Key thing is to use popcorn salt though. It is non-iodized and far finer ground.

I agree, all LGBTQ folks should take over current UC and hang out there!