LGBT ingame zone

This is what I take issue with. Wanting to be treated fairly, and as equals is fine, and what we should strive for.

But being lgbt should not garner you more privledges or better treatment than anyone else.

I’m just a gay guy. I don’t deserve anything extra for that. Treat me like a human being and let’s be done with it


Garrett Mix is the only way to go!


Caramel on popcorn is the bomb


Caramel and cheese popcorn mixed is even better! :smiley:

points to image above your post


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Oh damn that looks good.

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It is! Stuff is freakin’ addictive. lol

All girls zone no boys allowed.

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What kind of abomination is this?! :nauseated_face:

One of the many epically awesome things to come out of Chicago. :slight_smile:


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Chex mix pretzel bits popcorn white chocolate chip bars.

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Or you can just choose a place that already exists, like Jasperlode mine and be there.

Or the secret room at the bottom of the lava in Blackrock Mountain.


Excuse me, I treat everyone the same. We’ve been done with it for a long time, but still it’s insisted that you have COMPLETE acceptance. With all do respect, you have as much as you can get. Humans by nature attack others all the time, and it’s not just about gender here. Humans by nature are flawed across the board. It sounds like you want to be the first area of humanity that cannot be treated poorly ever again by anyone.

You have acceptance. Most people honestly don’t care about your gender politics. We’re just getting so tired of hearing about it all the damn time man.

I treat all humans the same. I never look at skin, or gender. I look at the person, so please. The posts about segregating yourselves in to your own echo chamber is exclusion. Enough of this.


Then do that. Pick a zone, create a guild, choose your members, meet up there and make new friends.

Nothing is stopping you.

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Let them exclude themselves.


:open_mouth: oH NoE, tHe OP gOt cEnsOred!!! hIS fReEeeDoOms!!!


Not going to judge but I think this doesn’t belong in a video game and wow.

We should keep sexual fantasies in private life. Not broadcasting them. Just saying.


All of these sjw movements make me feel like this:

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No need to get so defensive. I was agreeing with you when you said

I was just pointing out that I don’t think anyone deserves special treatment for their sexuality. People should be treated as equals, nothing more or less

I also didn’t mean to suggest you don’t treat people equally. I was referring to the OP wanting special treatment for being lgbt in the form of their own zone in the game. It was not directed at you, so I apologize if it came across that way


All good. Deep down… yes, human rights is important, but right now this stuff is just off the mark. I really should just stop coming in to these topics cause I just feel annoyed with them when I do cause the sillyness of humanity goes well on display.

Ultimately, I would LOVE for all of us to get along, but due to humans being flawed, it’s a doubtful I will ever see that. That is why I treat everyone equal, and let their character be the judge of how they are treated. Demanding respect is one thing. Earning it, is how it is meant to be done. <3 All the best Void.

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