LGBT ingame zone

Dill Weed
Coconut Oil
Oil Popper

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To be on topic.

As a non north american, it has always weirded me out how you guys eat mainly salty popcorn.

Hereā€™s sweet or nothing.

Can i wear assless chaps there?

Stand behind the yellow line please.

You had a chance yo make a business yet you gave it out for freeā€¦ respect.

Depends on the context in the US at least.

Movies is generally just salted with butter. Carnivals, malls, events you will find kettle corn or caramel corn. But youā€™re right that other spices rarely work their way on popcorn here.

Have you all ever try wasabi popcorn?

please ignore my guild name


little apple cider vinegar or powder too. just a dash. I would skip the coconut oil. I donā€™t trust coconut oil.

Anyone still find any decent paper towels? Like Bounty or Brawny? These fake Scott towels arenā€™t absorbent enough to wipe butter off your fingers. Scott used to be high quality. I bet the company was bought out by a foreign enemy.


I donā€™t know here Iā€™ve only started seeing salty popcorn, at least at stores for a few years, and itā€™s always clear itā€™s not as popular as the sweet one. In movie theaters itā€™s always caramel.

I was just wondering if this was a thing that existed.

I like it! Its a great way to have people socialize and come together from the community and identify each other! Maybe even have like a monthly event where people can participate in a pride parade or something. :partying_face:

What is this kettle corn you speak of?

You yanks have so many flavours of popcorn, itā€™s crazyā€¦ Weā€™ve only got salt and butter or caramel down in Ausā€¦

No special treatment is necessary. Equal treatment is good but special is not. So sick of specific groups of people thinking they deserve something more simply because life has crapped on them at some point or another.

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I.E. blizzard please make a dating area in game where I can meet other people and hook up with them. How about no.

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Kettle corn or Cheetos popcorn

No, it is bad to encourage them to isolate themselves from everyone else.

Why do we need to set up privileged lgbt only spaces everywhere? It just feels like purposefully segregating yourself

Why not just play the game, and if people have a problem with your sexuality, donā€™t play with them

Why should Blizzard go above and beyond to cater to one specific group and not others? Why do we need special treatment?


Thatā€™s just it. They want special treatment.

Inclusivity is a lie.


This should be just get more hits that a Mortis topic!