LGBT ingame zone

Popcorn is over rated, Chips and dip is where its at!


I fixed that for you!

movie theatre popcorn rules

Parmesan? I never thought of that. I have sprinkled dill and cayenne on popcorn though not both at the same time.


This actually sounds like a fun idea.

I would suggest Netherstorm for all the purple, neutral hub (Area 52) and elves.

We’re already in Ardenweald kiki’ing with Qadarin, nyas!

Why, because it offends you that we exist?

We have a right to representation just as much as anyone else.

I just made a nice bowl of buttered popcorn. You jealous?

special type of race

Is this a troll or ru on crack??? You’re not special and if u wanna be treated special you’d somehow find issue with tht to, so keep your silly crap out the game. PERIOD.

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You appear to be fixated on me- why is this, champ?

this zone already exist, its called Stormwind.


I’m a marginalized person I dont suddenly stop being marginalized when I log on the game it’s a big part of who I am and would be cool to be able to easily network with other gamers who are like me. Theres plenty of room in the game to implement something like this.

I can guarantee any blood elf trying to enter Stormwind other than Valeera would not be welcomed.

No, you are not. Nothing but a total figment of your imagination. Only in YOUR mind are your “marginalized”.

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Actually you do because literally nobody cares who you are outside the game.


no thank you. you have grindr for that.

stop trying to portray the LGBT community as sex starved creepers.


Incorrect. You are one of the most represented areas of society.

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I don’t agree. Outside of popular media, LGBT is pretty unrepresented in a lot of mediums. Written well is… rarer still.

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Why do you want special treatment, no offense but treating someone better then others is also a type of discrimination. Understand what you are asking for is segregation. If you don’t understand how that is, put it into context of white people instead of a minority group. Or honestly even in a minority group, during segregation people of color had their own places to meet and network.

ps I agree everyone should have cool hideyholes. such as housing and such… But making public areas specifically made for only individuals of a certain color, or sexual orientation isn’t indicative of inclusion but exclusion.