LGBT+ History Month




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They feature in many quests in zones. Yeah this isnā€™t a dating sim nor would I want it to be, but people are constantly asking for help saving their wife, avenging their opposite sex love interest, and I think there have been some quests where you try to help someone woo another person.

None of these quests would be different at all if they were same sex partners. Your questing experience would be the same, but some of us would get to see ourselves.


Thereā€™s a big difference between belonging and being forced to conform. If we arenā€™t standing out because we are afraid to look different then thatā€™s bad. Holding hands with my boyfriend (I am male) and having no one react is not invisible. It is being accepted as normal because the definition of normal is big enough to include other kinds of love.

Being invisible because I am afraid to hold his hand and thus weā€™re just two dudes hanginā€™ out is bad because we look normal because we have no other choice.


A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what youā€™ll know tomorrow.

Same. Iā€™m 100% into the opposite sexā€¦ plus I donā€™t share. 1+1=yay. 1+1+x = have fun with that, Iā€™m out. 20k+20k+20k+20k= nope nope nope nope nopeā€¦


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Not everything has to have representation of anything . Why cant a game just be a game or a movie a movie . Problem is society we need some sort of validation to make us feel like we enjoyed it. Not all of us . Like currently Iā€™m playing death stranding, I do not feel it needs any inclusion of anything . I also play Dreams , there are a lot of people that create art and media in there. Iā€™m sure there is LGBTQ content created however itā€™s not specially added to the game. If you like wow great enjoy my for what it is escape from the mundane. If you need validation in everything you watch are do you have issues far beyond this game.

Honesty this is why I hate movements and never get involved they preach inclusion , up until they feel they can exclude. Also they feel there political stance should be in your face 24 7.


I mean with that response then why does it need all the non lgbt relationships? Because itā€™s story telling. It helps make the world feel relatable and therefore you get more into the rp side of it.

I know Iā€™m a broken record but simply existing is not a political stance.


Actually I can answer some of that a lot of the story arcs for the main people like savannas and garnish stems from the warcraft 1,2,3 roc and tft. Not to mention the books as well. Without context you may not understand why they di what they do or you may want to see the conclusion .

Warcraft one and two came out in the 90s along with 3 in early 2k. Then came the extension wow . However the lore etc was largely written before lgbtq was more accepted and mainstream media.

I think it crosses over from existing when its a constant push for representation in everything. Itā€™s not feasible for anyone to represent every single group so who do they choose? Why is your group more important then another? I think itā€™s best for people who need that representation to simply play where that representation is at. Just an a opinion though.

I mean non lgbt seem rather gluttonous with their own representation in media. Heck that new mulan movie took out Sheng just because he was super coded as bisexual in the animation

Iā€™m not saying lgbt are more important. Having stories on the same level as the non lgbt makes it equality.

Trust me lgbt get hype over basically any representation regardless if itā€™s gay dudes, women, bi or trans.

Look Iā€™m not trying to exclude anyone tbh most LGBTQ people dont even recognize us people that do not believe in labels. Where we feel love is love and you love the person not there gender

Itā€™s easier for a content creator to create what they know about. I think that is the reason for that. However that represnation does exist it just not as big here in WoW. reading threw this thread I would think no game has any LGBT representation at all.

Well to be fair, saying ā€œfake newsā€ like saying ā€œwet waterā€. News networks vary in how bad they are, generally that variation correlates with how much money they are taking in, but they are all at best deceptive and at worse liars. News companies are still companies, they run on profits. What drives profits? Conflict, tragedy, anger, fearā€¦ People are more likely to click on and share articles invoke emotion, and the more emotion the better. Which is also why when their profits are hitting the toilet their writing becomes more sensational. A lot of people donā€™t like reporters because they are like vultures flocking to tragedy to exploit it for money.

I completely get what you are saying. Most people youā€™ll encounter are dumb, unknowledgeable, ect. Not everyone is going to be right no matter how much they think they are. The best way to make decisions IS to put emotion aside, as you said. Emotions are more helpful in identifying problems, not so much at fixing them.

The best way to navigate is to listen to what others have to say, even those that you donā€™t necessarily agree with, because without that you are only getting half the picture to make an informed judgement on. And never be too arrogant to occasionally question your owns views as well. No one is always right about everything, not even you.

Nonsense Iā€™ve written plenty of non lgbt characters.

I said easier, not impossible. Itā€™s also a little different for non LGBT people to write about LGBT there is a lot of pressure to get it right. A misstep may be judged hashly and have consequences.

Thatā€™s only if they pull a Bury Your Gays. That is the one trope that is universally hated in the lgbt

You just made me think of Monty python . Bring out your dead .

I know it seems like I am against it all but I am not. I just think itā€™s a content creators right to choose. It is their body of work and should have a say to what happens to it. That said if you ever watched the newish Netflix anime Cagister of a Insect cage Iā€™d totally want to see a Innkeeper like Mario in WoW. Wacky persona and all.

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