LGBT+ History Month

Sex has a teeny tiny almost invisible place in WoW and that’s fine. I hope it stays that way. Just give me my loot and don’t scream in my ear about equality or whatever.


Honestly, it kind of blindsided me, but that might just be due to my own marriage not involving so much playful ribbing.

Or, well, maybe it’s more that the playful ribbing only goes in my direction. :sweat_smile:

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Do ya’ll not remember The Sunwell raid?

Is this girl the sunwell? Guess I should go do this raid again.

The problem is that Overwatch ruined it by forcing the Soldier 76 thing. Tracer story was fine, Soldier seemed like they were trying to appeal to an audience and made a change this late.

Worried something similar would happen to WoW. People already complain about bad story, nothing makes a worse story than arbitrarily making a character suddenly LGBT because you have an agenda.


So when he yells out “I’ve got you in my sights” it’s more of a sexual innuendo?


We could, but China wouldnt like it. I feel like thats probably why they ditched the 8.2 stuff implying Thalyssra was gay and are now heavily shipping her with Lor’themar.


She was the remaining energies of it transformed into a human by Korialstrasz

He flat out says he loves her during the fight how do ya’ll miss that?


They already have. The sparks between Anduin and Wrathion made me want to go take a cold shower.

But seriously, given the quality of the writing from Blizzard, the less story the better.


Soldier’s wasn’t forced. It just had wicked bad timing after the diablo immortal fiasco.


That raid was before my time.

I thought I knew WoW lore, but this has been the… most bizarre WoWpedia journey I’ve taken in a while…


Yes, she is. Anveena is what was left of the Sunwell’s energy given human form. Kalecgos meets her and falls in love with her in the comics, without knowing what she is, and without her knowing he’s a dragon, IIRC.

That story picks up at the Sunwell raid, where Brutallus et al have successfully abducted her and plan to use her latent power to reignite the Sunwell so that Kil’jaeden can use it as a portal into Azeroth in a manner similar to how Azshara planned to use the Well of Eternity to make a gateway for Sargeras prior to the War of the Ancients.

Anveena pictured with Kalecgos:

If you go into the Sunwell raid and look upward in Kil’jaeden’s room before engaging him, you can actually see Anveena floating above you in the center of the room.


I don’t want WoW to play a part of any side of the political agenda. I play it just to enjoy the game.

If you notice there are already some references. Like when you meet that biker dude with the admirers, he has 3 skimpy girls and 1 skimpy guy that are deeply in love with him.

It shouldn’t need to be a key part of the game.


I only knew about it because I read The Sunwell Trilogy.

Most of it happened off screen. Only references to it were made in the Sunwell Plateau raid.

There are many who haven’t seen that content. The part you’re talking about happened in the roleplay bit after the fight - I believe the quote was “Farewell Anveena, my love” or something like that - and I doubt many who run through that content now for transmogs are going to sit around that long after the fight is over.

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And yet Reaper and Soldier along with McCree and Hanzo are the way more popular ships.

It’s almost like they have better chemistry

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In what world? Iran?


It still happens in places like america.

There’s a reason trans people have such a high suicide rate. They’re treated like crap and they just give up. Then bigots go “duhhhhhh i dunno wha happun”


Seriously ya’ll are acting like I’m asking for some Broadway Bares Strip U Psych Class to happen in WoW

…I mean that would be nice but still


That was one of my favorite quests back when it was added hah!

It’s true, there’s a lot of minor LGBT NPCs around the game. And the female Nightborne character is actually LGBT as well (one of her lines is that she’s interested in Tyrande).


We have at least three of them. We don’t need to force it just because we have some desire for reality to bleed into our fantasy game.