Well they should. I realize that it’s at least partially a limitation of the Discourse software, but a repetitive pattern of posting provokesome topics on multiple alts and then engaging with themselves to keep the posts bumped should be actionable.
These bad-faith posts are doing active harm by presenting a target dummy for people to vent their not-quite-actionable anti-LGBTQ+ opinions at, and also giving those same people some kind of confirmation in their minds that they’re having matters that have to do with orientation “pushed on them” by being omnipresent and always on the front page of the forums.
They seriously need to review and improve their internal tools for taking care of this kind of behavior, because it’s hurting people, and the only thing that happens is that each thread gets flag protection until it finally gets to a point where it goes critically off the rails, which it always does because that’s what it’s for, and then finally gets locked.
It’s extremely frustrating to see it being not just allowed but encouraged to happen again and again.
Thanks for the info. I’m outtie!
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Yeah, it really starts to make me question if the Mods are anti-LGBT themselves, seeing how they let these T gang threads flourish and prosper, along with flag protecting them time and time again.
I know they probably aren’t, but it gets so wearisome.
I just noticed this posted above my quotes. Bold of you to provide any evidence where I claimed to support anything. My entire argument was the supposed help thread wasn’t that at all. It was literally designed to flag player accounts in an underhanded way. Which I proved, multiple times.
They were asking me about links, all of mine are this page. I can’t help with other poster’s links, I am not a moderator. I even offered to copy the offsite pages in exchange for proving to me this was a legitimate help thread. I was turned down or ignored at every turn. And yet you’re also insinuating I’m trolling and fighting.
Try reading a thread before commenting on it and I’ll believe your sole purpose isn’t to confront me for whatever reason. Also, at no time did I provide any incorrect information. No idea what you’re talking about.
Talon, I think you’re actually doing more harm than good for LGBT players.
Hrm, wonder if Pawzer is part of the group and is just smoke screening for it by trying to “no True Scotsman” the people more interested in rooting out this cabal of trolls to take care of a long term systemic problem, then a few ignorant and hateful folks who aren’t as loud or hard to deal with.
I dunno I think it might be because I’m a woman. That’s pretty sexist and I’m offended, honestly.
Just be care free and cute like me.
It’s more fun using their exact tactics on them.
But I can’t! Someone took the Warlock name I wanted to use for a dead throwaway toon. ;w;
Someone recently said they would like you to come back to the Murloc Spot :o
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Love how you baselesly attack our entire community despite how this emotionally affects some of our members. The issue is not about the specific content, but the spamming and the T trolls using such threads to aggrevate and bait such hostile and hateful comments.
Its one thing when people start disgusting threads but its a whole other thing to basically become a honeypot and flood the forums with hatred.
I don’t stand for that, no matter what community anyone comes from. But i dont know why im wasting my time explaining this to you tbh
They didn’t actually read any posts. Guaranteed.
I’ll ask Thallia or someone else for an invite, I took a “personal day” that lasted several months and quite frankly was too forgetful/lazy to get an invite back.
I can invite you whenever you like. I am not sure if we’re doing public links though D:
He knows. It’s literally the point of his behavior.
Notice it’s above your quotes, not below! That means I didn’t quote you and it wasn’t at you, it was quite specifically aimed at someone that was deciding to make transphobic arguments and then go the route of “Buh my friend/family is one so my arguments are correct/Not transphobic!”
Your argument was based on the fact that they didn’t want to go to external links, which it isn’t the first time they’ve been linked around either way and you nor them actually listed anything yourselves. It’s sort of like the people that just link streamer videos and expect people to watch them.
In exchange for them to ‘stop posting’, which again is more or less you just trying to get your way instead of ‘trying to be helpful.’
Wonder why?
That’s a factual statement, not an insinuation I guess.
I have, thank you.
Never specifically stated you did or did not.
Clearly, especially when you like one of said people’s posts attempting to insinuate I’m ‘part of said group’ including an insinuiation that I am in a ‘cabal of trolls’ so I guess you’re in a cabal of your own? Ah yes, that’d partially be the Murloc Spot discord that was used to target specific people and link to posts to mess with people. What a surprise!
Yeah, now the ableism comes out to rear it’s head along with proving my point. Not surprised.
You mean like you consistently do? Weird.
Yet, you don’t speak out against THOSE comments and instead only point at someone posting threads.
Honestly they wouldn’t be flooded if Blizzard moderated their forums to their rules, but they don’t.
Thanks for continuing to prove my point, too.
I’m rubber, you’re glue
Rubber is better but glue is wetter
Yeah, Pawzer is just defending the T gang at this point. Complaining about a few roaches under the cabinet while attacking everyone trying to fix the massive hole in the wall that is letting them in.
Edit: Thinking Guzzle too.