Asking for something is whining to you? Lmao so if I see you ask for anything I can just tel you your whining I guess, easy enough.
Of course I’d use the transmog, collecting transmog early is the entire reason I raid at the level I do right now anyway. You may not be able to think too hard but it’s very obvious the current system is pretty bad, you should be able to get the gear either by going into lfr and needing on the gear (aka stealing it from people who need it) -or- have it granted from completing higher difficulties or something.
That is literally what I said in my post…I even gave an idea/example of how to go about that. I specifically said I wouldn’t want personal loot back, I was just saying that it didn’t have this issue but this system does and it needs to be solved
What happens in that situation is the higher geared player cannot roll on that item if they have a higher item level piece in the slot that is being rolled on already. So you’d get it
Waste time leveling another paladin to then steal gear from people who are actually going to play the characters they are running lfr on? I mean yeah I could do that but it’s a crappy solution
It is crazy reading this when I look at the posts from earlier and you said I was incorrect for saying -exactly- what you said in this post. I said you can’t roll need on pieces/slots that you have at higher or the same item level, you said ‘incorrect’ and linked two articles that stated the same thing I was saying, and then proceeded to say “you can’t roll need on pieces higher or the same item level”. Lmao
Have 444 ilvl tier and are being punished for it? Want to roll on whatever mog you want?
Throw your higher ilvl pieces of that slot into void storage and you can roll on the loot. Like you deserve, because lets be honest, you helped kill the boss and deserve the same chance as everyone else.
I mean yeah I guess that’s what I’ll do, honestly didn’t know void storage worked that way. And true, I mean I’ll feel bad about taking gear from people who can actually use it but helping kill the boss is a good point.
This has always been the point of these discussions and in principle it’s quite correct. But principle and situational are not always the same.
When there is any degree of luck involved in getting items - the luck that something useful will be available from a boss kill, the luck that you are able to roll on something that is useful and the luck of getting it - to have that further reduced by somebody rolling Need on it when all they will do is use it as an appearance can’t help but feel unfortunate. I’ve never felt it was ‘fair’ when all it is, is a slight recolour of something that someone like myself will never be able to earn (I can’t do high level raiding for a number of personal reasons) so I don’t have the option of getting that higher level item. The only ones available are the LFR and it can take many, many attempts to get that one useful piece.
So is it ‘fair’ in principle? Sure, but emotionally it doesn’t feel that way.
Blizzard isn’t going to make it any easier for people to get out of running these instances. I’m sure they’re aware of the whole transmog issue but prefer it for people to take longer to complete their sets. The ideal answer would be to have appearance tokens drop in higher difficulties that can be exchanged for lower difficulty recolors but they want bodies in all the instances, like lfr or lower keys, so they will always go with what creates the most friction.
You can’t roll on anything that is lower item level than what you have equipped. That is exactly what I said, you are more than welcome to check. Your eyes need help
“ Additionally, players can’t Need on a piece of loot if they’re wearing the exact piece at the exact item level, though in the event where this occurs but the dropped piece has a Tertiary stat or Socket, that roll would be possible (as those are upgrades).”
we’re talking about raid gear here, so if I have the same pair of boots from normal I cannot roll need on them in LFR. So if you mythic raid and have those pieces, you cannot roll need on them in lfr. I don’t care if you have m+ pieces it doesn’t matter, it’s about raiding higher difficulties prevents you from getting mog from lfr, that is the thread
Incorrect. You can’t roll on THE SAME EXACT PIECE if it is a lower or the same ilevel. If I have Infernal Shadelance at ilevel 428 and Infernal Shadelance drops at ilevel 402, I cannot need roll.
If I have Infernal Shadelance at ilevel 428 and Ashkandur drops at ilevel 411, I can need roll.
If I have Etchings of the Captive Revenant cape at ilevel 428 and Etchings of the Captive Revenant cape drops at ilevel 408, I cannot need roll.
If I have Etchings of the Captive Revenant cape at ilevel 428 and Drape of the Dracthyr Trials cape drops at ilevel 408, I can need roll.
You said the following many many times:
So to sum up:
You can absolutely need on on pieces that ARE NOT THE SAME EXACT PIECE that you have equipped.
This is why people are up in arms about GL.
Yours absolutely do. Your understanding is way off.
You literally quoted what I’m saying and ignoring it.
So you don’t understand the subject of the thread, at all. Raiding higher difficulties prevents you from getting mog from lfr, that is the subject. If you have a mythic+ staff at a higher item level than raid staff, great, that isn’t what the thread is about at all. It’s about raiding normal/heroic/mythic and not being able to get lfr mog because all of the pieces from the difficulties are the same. If you raid heroic, you’ll have the same boots that lfr offers and therefore cannot get that transmog. Why do I need to explain this
I absolutely understand the subject of the thread. My exact words in my very first post:
I literally explained the one piece I need from last season is a pair of boots for my last season tier set.
I have last season’s tier boots at Heroic level. I can go into LFR and get the pair of boots that drops in there and I can absolutely roll need on them and then turn them into tier with the Catalyst. That is my only way to get it.
If you didn’t turn them into tier, sure. So turn them into tier. LIKE I SAID THE VERY FIRST POST.
Last seasons lfr has nothing to do with this not even going to touch on that.
The entire point is, you cannot go into current seasons LFR and roll need on pieces of gear to get the mog while also raiding normal/heroic/mythic because you’ll have the same pieces at the same or higher item level.
That is the -entire- point, saying “BuT yoU caN rOlL nEEd” because you have m+ gear instead of raid gear doesn’t matter. And I’m not going to turn my current seasons pieces into set pieces because I’m using them right now and don’t want the stats to change, which they do if you convert off tier pieces like belt to a set piece. Higher difficulty appearances should also give the lower difficulty appearances, or at least give lfr appearances. If you agreed with that then great.
The only current solution is void storage as another poster pointed out which is good enough for now, sucks people who will actually use the gear would lose it though. Also done w/ this, can’t get it through to you but everyone else seemed to understand
My priest has pieces of the set at the highest tint. Imo they should give me the lower ones I don’t have. Would turn this whole thing into a non issue if they did that.
Void storage doesn’t work btw tried it tonight. Bumping this a little bit but yeah, I threw both my shoulders and helmet into void storage and it still would not let me roll need, only for mog.