LFR: To be, or not to be?

You think its easier to code in alpha/beta/gamma content/itemization? for like a dozen dungeons over just making an easier version of 3 raids?

Truth is its not necessary for P1 since the catch up is built into Cata blues being > ICC 277 gear.

It should be implemented in P2 when the next tier comes out.

There is zero negative impact of LFR.

This is a fallacy perpetuated by WoW gatekeepers most of which are suboptimal at the game.

The wow community is the most toxic community of any MMO ever. Most of you are unbearable.

The idea is to do the story get the gear and gtfo without having to socialize with a bunch of incels.

Significantly. For the mechanics, there’s only a few different ones total spread between each group of dungeons, not to mention every mechanic is independent of the bosses, and for the gear it already exists in the game, they just had to add it to the loot table

Making an easier version of a raid is a lot more difficult than just turning numbers down. Not only do they have to turn them down enough to actually have an impact, but certain mechanics also have to be changed or outright removed for the easier difficulty

Blizz would rather people buy gold and run GDKPs. Don’t expect LFR.

this is a different world, with wow classic i suspect its more like 98% of the player base does raid

For the last decade, the WoW community knew for a fact that RDF was the true end of WoW as we once knew it, and the beginning of the single player game that WoW became over the years. Even during Classic, TBC Classic, and much of WotLK Classic, a large portion of the community advocated against the release of RDF knowing it would come to taint Classic the same way it did retail.

But now that we have RDF, I don’t see why they wouldn’t also release LFR eventually. Much like the community demanded every negative change Blizzard made in the original game, the community comes to demand the same changes in Classic.

I mean if they like making half the money. You can do the math on cost of gold to wowtokens to cost of a sub.

X-realm/server, automated group queue, or lack thereof, is a form of control by the programmers and its liaison elitist target audience, exerted on the masses for the exclusive benefit of the classic Andy-esque-elitist demographic and its whale subordinates.

It has nothing to do with PvE or PvP, in which they can’t even keep their own hypocrisies str8t. They said that no RDF was justified because PvE can’t have queue systems and are meant for PvP only; yet, there sat (and still sits today) arena without an automated queue.

Asmon put out a recent video where he discusses classic + and he shoots down both RDF and LFR in favor of retail’s group finder; it’s as if he doesn’t want players like me to play the game.


It has nothing to do with PvE or PvP; it has everything to do with controlling the casual masses like cattle…

If these people had the power, they would get rid of all X-realm automation, even random BGs.

Go outside

I’m right about everything, aren’t I?

Lmao, hardly.

Real choice, is being able to access group content however I want; whether it’s through a guild, PuG, or queue automation.

That does not exist in any version of WoW; ANY! Not even retail.

IMO, that still doesn’t say much. All the raids in Cata were horrible and boring. So saying Firelands was the only good raid is like saying the black licorice is the best flavor in the poop flavored bag of jellybeans. I have no clue why they keep making Classic servers when they end up removing the ones people actually wanted. ie. BC ONLY servers and now those are all gone thx to Wrath. So with this trend the Wrath servers will be gone for Cata.

Wait, but didn’t you listen to the President of Blizzard? They don’t make money off the token!!

I’ll probably be in day 1 with cataclysm, but really, who cares? Most of us will unsub at cataclysm without using it, one way or the other.

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