LFR should share lockout with normal and heroic raids

I have yet to see a valid argument as to why that should be the case. It had a separate lockout in OG, and it should have a separate lockout now.



It is not a discussion - more like a temper tantrum and upset that LFR is now included. So since you lost that battle, you want to take up the ā€œshared lock out nonsenseā€ because it feeds your HPD.

Good try but that dog just wonā€™t hunt.


Moist has been having this tantrum for months. He should probably join another GDKP and spend another 400k gold to buy some gear. He has no problem with that, but somehow LFR is bad for the game. :rofl: :rofl:

What a :clown_face:


Never seen this happen in all the years LFR has been a thing. And use it a lot.

Equally true with PuG normals, which you fully support.

Never bothered me or anyone else I know of. Reduced difficulty means lower level loot anyway. This is not an issue.

And yet, guild raids are still a thing. Another non-issue.


It happened briefly when DS LFR first launched. I believe Blizzard changed vote kick rules shortly after and it was no longer a problem.

And Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some sporadic problems like that, like getting booted out of a dungeon by a bad group. Stuff like that happens.

But itā€™s hardly a reason to rip out the whole system. Letā€™s stop auto theft by not building any cars!


either they all share a lockout or they dont share it at all. I would like to have the option to do heroic with my guild and do normal with friends of another guild or pug with the same character. similar to how we used to have 25m for guild raid and 10m was for friends n such during ICC

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I donā€™t have a problem with separate lockouts for all 3 versions.


LFRā€™s casual approach does not coincide with Heroic/Normal rules. The way instance ids are set for Heroic vs how LFR manages loot lockouts by boss, are 2 very different systems that will likely cause a significant amount of coding on blizzards end, All things considered the value/effort is not there. And thatā€™s even assuming the majority of players want this, which they donā€™t. Your spinning your wheels on this one.


Youā€™re playing a game, not writing a novel. If you feel less good about doing something because someone had an easier time for slightly less good rewards, thatā€™s a YOU problem.

If the playerbase wasnā€™t a bunch of toxic, no-life, gatekeeping morons that might not be the case, but other people actually have responsibilities and jobs and might be able to commit to anything more than a quick LFR run through a single wing or two each weekā€¦or in my case canā€™t physically focus on something that intensive for that long while LFR is much more manageable.

Or, to paraphrase a line from Con Air, if thereā€™s 200,000 people playing Cata, I donā€™t want to know 199,700 of them. (excluding my guild, naturally :smiley: )

My experience was always people leaving when they got an item or whatever, which didnā€™t matter since two or three people leaving didnā€™t change anything much and they got replaced quickly.


I am not certain how you are playing, but the only physically demanding aspect of raiding in WoW might be the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome. Other than that, there is nothing physically demanding about raiding.

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Oooooo now weā€™re tossing ableism around!! this is a fun new development!


I want to clarify that my intention was not to engage in ableism but to address the physical demands of raiding in World of Warcraft. My point was that, generally speaking, raiding in WoW does not require significant physical exertion beyond the risk of repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. This is because raiding primarily involves sitting at a desk and using a keyboard and mouse.

Tourette syndrome
Amputee (me)
Motion sickness
Muscle ticks

I could go on, pretty low to post from on high about the physical limitations of others with such false authority.


Donā€™t care about the other 2, as those happen without LFR anyways, but youā€™re just wrong here. The reduced difficulty impacting ā€œsense of accomplishmentā€ is only a problem for loser elites. You could say whaling in GDKPs for over 400k gold can also do that. Impact on guild raiding? Really? You think people are going to quit raiding heroics with their guild to go do LFR???


Moistdanny will clutch at any straw w his open AI posts to show how entitled he is. Really needs their own pserver imo.


Good catch.

Paying for what others do through their own efforts/skill does sound like it sucks the sense of accomplishment right out of things.

It would for me anyway, not gonna speak for others and their 400K gold choices.


Donā€™t forget, blind people and deaf people too! Thereā€™s even addons made specifically to help those people play the game (which, is a very good thing that those addon devs are doing, accessibility for others is good!)


that is true! I appreciate your addition, we should not forget that everyone should be able to enjoy the game in some way, regardless of limitations.

SOOOOO many helpful addons for disabled players. Used one for helping me try and learn dragon flying with just one arm.

Edit: and shout out to color blind options. Now I can see the game properly!!!

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This post is not about any of that. It is about LFR sharing a lockout with Normal and Heroic raids, as it is a difficulty level just like Normal and Heroic.