LFR should be 10man
Yeah, that way only 6 of us will afk.
Insufficient fault tolerance.
The less people you have, the more responsibility that falls onto the individual. That is likely a recipe for disaster in LFR.
Which makes it a great idea!
All I see is a thread stating LFR should be 10 man without any actual reason or explanation to why.
The misguided belief that queues will be shorter I think.
And they obviously do not see how long queues can be in Dungeons.
I don’t think a lot of people understand ratios. They just think finding one tank will be twice as fast as finding two.
Even if they do merge it down to 10 man, still will need 2 tanks.
Indeed. Though there is a thread floating about asking that it be dropped to one tank (also a bad idea of course).
which is silly, they’d be so much longer.
And become an hours’ long affair once you were in. It’s hard enough getting people to do mechanics when there are 20+.
All the reasons here on why LFR shouldn’t be 10 man are the exact things that are wrong with LFR.
i mean, less people but the same amount afk
LFR should be a solo scenario.
LFR should be a solo activity with a party of NPCs to fill out your raid. The NPCs play their part on each fight pretty well but rather or not you down the boss is entirely up to you.
You que your role and if you perform your job well then you advance and also learn your roles mechanics for normal and above so you can earn better gear.
Making it one tank and 30 dps would certainly be more fun.
I agree with the other posters in this thread, LFR should just be a solo story mode scenario in which you go in with a raid full of your allied factions’ soldiers, mages, and relevant lore characters to get through the raid.
It would be better than the large non-threatening damage sponge bosses that take 15 minutes to kill because half the DPS in the party mouse clicks their abilities. How anyone stomaches LFR as it is now is beyond me.
LFR is fine at 25 man. The biggest road block to LFR queues are the number of tanks and heals, so unless you tone down the damage and change the mechanics so much that you only need 1 tank and 1 or 2 heals, there will be no point in making it a 10 man.