I think this kind of delay is S.O.P. if it is involving LFR. It can happen. The kicker is that the rollout schedule for LFR is stretched out much longer for SL.
I don’t mind a wait, just want it to be completable. No point in a new volley of threads deeming this as “optional content.”
Mechanics wise yes. And blizzard eventually gave buffs in raids that you could disable by the entrance. Basically the same thing except now it’s a baseline thing.
None of the mechanics really matter in LFR. They’re there for show. You can stand in pretty much everyone of them and still kill the boss.
Uh… LFR would get that too, on top of the 5%/wipe. Plus that wasn’t only current for ICC, for the rest of the game, that was always after the tier ended.
Yes actually. Look at my armory you’ll see. I often farm the LFR mog.
That’s not why LFR wipes happen. It’s because 3 healers are AFK and 15 DPS with sub 20k health bleed out from undodgeable damage or the tanks go splat because they don’t know what mitigation is.
Maybe in the past. The first weeks are nice when the very casual players haven’t got the ilvl to queue. The fact people come in with the attitude to afk and get free gear is what makes lfr hard.
What, you think you deserve to see the story at the same time as the cutting edge folks? LFR displeases the raiding community, if they don’t have a list 100 names long to pick, choose and decline at their leisure, things could get nasty. Git gud, get a guild, start your own raid! If you can’t partake in scheduled raid times or outgear the raid enough to join a pug, you should be happy you ever get to see the story at all!
There are a lot of learning groups for Normal. They say guild group 3/10N, chill group, learning group etc. You will have to participate. You should know the content before going, but they will probably explain to everyone in between all the wipes. You will have to wipe a lot. You may have to spend 2 hrs on one boss to learn it, or until everyone learns it. You may not get loot. After one of these sessions on every boss you can then try a non learning group that is chill group.
I think all that rant can be boiled down to; are you willing to take the initiative? This game requires that if you want to participate in End Game content faster than what you want. All the way down to having to use add-ons that aren’t provided.