LFR raiders locked out of story content till Feb

From what I’ve seen in raids I’ve been in PuGging a player or two…

I’ve actually been surprised how difficult it is to PuG players (even DPS) for the raid at times… I mean, it’s nothing like M+ where as soon as a tank and healer get together you get 27 DPS applying.

LFR will be staying, so the guilds never have any real power ever again, because back when they did have it, they abused it obscenely.


It’s simple, if LFR exists as an option, people are less likely to seek actual raids.

Path of least resistance is generally the one that’s taken.

It’s exactly what we’re talking about; that is very much a reward. You don’t get to appreciate the ending of a book without going through the process of completing it. There are mythic only phases (or bosses) in a lot of fights since the days of Cataclysm. These are the rewards for the players that are willing to do the hardest content.

If you want to see the story on day 1 in raid, do normal. It’s not difficult.

This seems like something unintended. Like they didn’t think it through that the holidays would mess things up.

Wrong. Main questlines are NOT a reward.

This isn’t a book. This game has NEVER locked main questing behind a raid. Never.

Wrong. This is the expansion quest. Not a piece of gear.

This isn’t raid story we’re talking about.


Eh people can just look it up on Youtube. It’s not like WoW story is worth the major effort.

Except for the fact that everyone pays the same amount to play this game and there are no free players that should accept scraps.


Easy. He doesn’t even raid. He’s 0/10 across the board. I normally wouldn’t care. Players should run the content that they prefer. Players who criticize content for being too easy, however, should at least give it a try before chiming in.


What I do? This isn’t an opinion based off of ePeen. I don’t raid at all.

Normal, Heroic and Mythic are harder than LFR. LFR is not a raid because it requires nothing that raids require; skill, organization, communication.

If you make a group of 40 people and run around outside in Bastion, I probably wouldn’t consider that a real raid, either.

Except people have had this stance since Dragonsoul so…

Chill out. LFR isn’t raiding, and it isn’t some massively offensive comment to suggest that.

As they pointed out, it’s literally in the acronym. It is absolutely raiding. Every LFR I’ve done is harder than MC was in Classic. I didn’t say your comment was offensive. It’s just silly, especially when your raid progress is literally zero. It makes you look like a wannabe who is trying hard to be edgy and failing.


The raids are part of the main storyline. Always have been.

Want to see it faster ? Do normal. It’s fully opened day 1.

I am no supporter of LFR, but let us be honest, Normal Pugs are a nightmare. You even get luckier at Heroic Pugs due to people inviting players that actually may have read the mechanics.

It should be opened fully like any other raid imo.


Nope, since unlike other raids, it auto-completes itself.

And all of them are moot now that they’ve changed how loot in raids work, and the removal of WF/TF.

LFR truly is hardcore raiding
40 random strangers
No communication
Many have no idea what the mechanics are
50 % stand in fire
25% are asleep
Organized raiding is way to organized to be fun


Lfr raids today are probably like normal wrath raids in complexity.

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