I queued for LFR this evening and had killed Halondrus in LFR previously this week. I still had the first three bosses available to me. LFR is not supposed to give you a queue to a lockout you have no chance of getting loot from unless everything is dead. So I found myself having to quit this group to try and queue again and it gave me deserter. Fix this please as this is not how this was supposed to work.
Just going to piggy back on this. I don’t know that LFR won’t queue you based on loot locks, but I’ve been queued into 3 Dominaation’s Grasp instances with Anduin down in all 3.
The first time I went ahead and finished the encounters as I normally do. The next 2 I left group with no loot chances and both times got the deserter buff. That part is not how it’s been in the past, it used to be only if you left a fresh instance right away. Has there been a change or is that bugged?
I have my 3rd deserter buff of the day. Started with a Lords and Rygelon group (and finished it) and have requeued for Anduin 3 times after that group and he is always dead. This is not even the case of ending up doing the bosses one at a time in reverse order. All three subsequent queues have only offered loot locked bosses.
4th time not lucky either. Back to real world for another 30 min before i try again.
It just did this on my Holy Pally alt where I had killed lords and Rygalon already and then brought me in to the next group after the only boss I needed (Anduin) was already dead. Now I have to either do them over again for no reason or take a 30min deserter penalty.
Update: it just brought the same toon in for Rygalon AGAIN which I’ve already killed. Still only need Anduin, now on my second deserter debuff. (I run another alt while I wait for it to clear)
Update 2: Same thing again… now on my third deserter debuff. It keeps letting me in after the only boss I need is already dead, the first one.
Update 3: fourth deserter, landed me on Rygalon this time …
Update 4: Fifth deserter, trash after Anduin.
Update 5: Sixth deserter, same as above.
Update 6: Seventh deserter, same as above.
Update 7: Eighth time is the charm. Finally got him. I sure hope this isn’t something that is viewed as “working as intended” …
Well this is a change. I have Anduin but zoned in as they pulled. Ramp disappeared from under me as I was approaching and I am dead. Hopefully I will be eligible for loot.
Edit: Loot (but nothing interesting).
I have to add my experience also. I am currently queueing for my 4th attempt to kill Anduin and Lords of Dread. Previous 3 attempts on gave me Rygelon available who I looted my first time in that wing. Like others, have exited and got a deserter buff. I get we sometimes come in with bosses down and I could even handle if it gave me a group at Lords of Dread on a subsequent queue but this is silly. 4th queue just popped and I am good this time. Good luck to everyone else.;
Garbage game has done this to me 4 times in a row now… Fix this nonsense. Small indie company I swear.
Thats brutal. I haven’t had to eat that many deserter debuffs yet, but i consistently have to eat a few every week now that the LFR queue is broken. I haven’t seen blizz even acknowledge this is an issue yet.
Still happening today Blizzard get your s*** together
And you can’t get a response out of them to find out if this is “working as intended” or not. Joke of a company.
Got a reply after opening a ticket… Working as intended. Ugh. Best thing you can do is submit feedback and let them know how garbage that system is.
"Hello there!
Game Master Daerdrin here. Thanks for reaching out, and I appreciate your patience while waiting for a response. I understand you are concerned about Anduin already being defeated when joining a Domination’s Grasp raid finder.
After checking into it, I don’t believe there are any known issues with the way this is working at the moment. With the raid finder, it is possible to be placed within an in-progress group for the raid finder wing you are queuing for so that the group where some players had left is still able to complete the raid. I don’t have any information on why you might be seeing this more often now, but it is possible there has been an increase in people leaving after the first boss.
If you’d like to see a change in the way it works, please continue to provide feedback via our forums or the feedback option in the in-game support menu. Our developers aren’t able to respond directly, but they appreciate the feedback they receive.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to check into this for you, and I hope you have a good rest of your day."
So essentially this is the solution to the lack of tanks and healers in order to reduce queue times for DPS classes. They are hoping that tanks and healers stay in the raid they queue into, even though they don’t need the bosses, so they can avoid the 30 min deserter penalty.
Healer here. Just had this happen to me in Ephemeral Plains. Only needed to kill Vigilant Guardian (locked out of all other bosses) and was put in a raid where ONLY Vigilant Guardian was dead. No solo player would stay in a LFR with no reward. Now I can’t use the dungeon systems for 30 minutes. Now players are being punished for the game trying to waste our time. I cannot believe this went live.
Okay - If you’re reading this, you likely ran into the same problem. Here’s a proposed solution that worked for me, but I’m only 1 data sample. Try the following to fix:
- On your first run of the wing, queue as Tank/Heals like normal. Hopefully you get a fresh raid and you don’t need to go to step 2.
- If you didn’t get all the bosses on your first run, queue again as DPS only, and change your loot specialization to your Tank/Heals spec so you still get what you want. Hopefully you get into a raid that has the boss you need still alive.
If this works, it will take longer queueing as dps, but at least you don’t have to spend 4 hours taking deserter debuffs while fishing for a raid that has the boss you need alive.
If this works, or doesn’t work for you, please comment back confirming such.
This is happening to me as well… 4th time I’ve wasted 30 minutes in a queue. If this is working as intended the inconsiderate person in charge should be replaced with someone that respects the customer base.
I am also having the same problem Killed last 2 bosses, requed, then got the last boss which I had already killed… This needs fixing. Why did it get changed?
They decided that people not waiting in queue was better than people not getting q’d into zero profit bosses over and over and over. They don’t get that we would rather do laps of Oribos for 30 minutes with a deserter debuff than kill everything but the boss we need for 92 gold over and over.
Talk about clueless. It’s because of people queuing to get tier and then leaving. It’s a bad design issue.
The design isn’t what is bad. It’s the fact they placed tier on one of the first bosses in a raid finder wing rather than the last boss.