LFR Queued me for already killed bosses

It used to be that if you got put into a half finished lfr, you finish it, and then it HAS to put you in a fresh one next time you queue that week. NOPE, this is still f’ing over people, wasting their time.

They had to have changed this on purpose, and whoever greenlit that, should get the boot. I am a healer and just spent 30min in a queue after having just done Lords and Rygelon, as that was the group I got into. So I am hoping that long a wait, means a fresh one. WRONG! I get put into a group again with Anduin dead. So I leave (why would I be there), and hello deserter debuff.

This is so incredibly insulting.
They have problems getting tanks and healers in there, so they do THIS to them?! Sure that’ll make them wanna do lfr.

Edit: and really an incompetent GM, cos they’re answering as if they don’t grasp that you have already DONE the bosses you get put into, finished the wing. It was ALWAYS that if you got into an lfr that was mid way, you finished it, and the next queue had to be from the first boss. That has changed now. That’s the problem! Not that I get into a half finished lfr the first time. I will do it cos the rule was that if you finished it, you would get from the start on next queue. It worked perfectly.

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It was if you first got a run with bosses already killed your next run would have at least 1 boss you haven’t killed.

But this change is insulting, and doesn’t fix anything. It just punishes players for queuing. Most players who end up in this situation are probably going to just leave, or worse cause a wipe so they can leave w/o getting deserter. And then that slot has to be filled all over again, rinse repeat until it finds someone that actually needs the boss.

Continues to frustrate. 3 times in row 1st boss down, finished 1st run, left 2nd/3rd. No reason to give deserter buff for not wanting to finish already completed bosses…as was the way it worked in the past.

Hrmm…perhaps the trick is decline the queue, wait 5 min, then re-queue. That sounds so dumb.

I really don’t understand how they can ignore this… it has to be causing them subs.

I only tank and I have been caught all night with the same bosses down.

that would be design lol

I also experienced this. It is unfortunate and I did not experience this in the past. When I would q on the end boss with the first two down i would usually always see a new raid the next time. Simple to fix but ignored by the company is even more not good… Give folks the option to sit and wait for a full raid or increased speed for partial. More choice, and time taken for the user experience is something less and less seen in wow.