LFR N'zoth

As a LFR Hero that has the cloak… YUP. I am holding off because I fully realize some of my LFR Heroes have straight rocks for brains.


I joined one as tank for the luls and it was on the tentacle boss and litearlly had 8 players under 15k dps, hunters, mages and so on, and was complaining why everything was dying so slowly. I just laughed and left.

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Yea that is what happened with my group and people running all around the place with paranoia…

Question do you have to go in mind gates in LFR?

Yes. Yes you do.


this comment is forum gold

does it pick people randomly or do people have to step up and volunteer?

I joined it earlier to complete the quest line. The group kept wiping on the first boss and it took so long that I had to leave. I wouldn’t be surprised if the group was still there with 10 stacks of determination.

This has to be the first raid tier where I can’t even bring myself to clear each LFR boss once.

Staying out of that mess, no thank you.

Joined a group already at 10 stacks today. I’ve been in here about an hour so far.

The fight is really really simple if everyone just took 2 minutes to look at the mechanics, but that is way too much to expect out of the LFR crowd.

you can look at this character’s raid history, all my LFR clears from mop raids were done in mop, ive never once queued into a 10 stack LFR boss in any mop raid

ive zoned into 2 10 stack nzoths and one 7 stack today alone

What is determination? Some sort of wipe buff?

yes, if you wipe in lfr and the encounter lasts longer than i wanna say a minute, you gain a buff that increases your damage done, health, and healing done by 5%

How about does il’gynoth mind control people in LFR that would be more fun.

Well, in the spirit of leaving the cloak mechanic in I say let people lfr into mythic.

Your group has to decide who goes in and who stays out.

by tomorrow I fully expect the sanity drain to be nerfed to insignificance if not removed, and a set number of people automatically sent to psychus’s realm. those are the 2 biggest issues with it really.

Paranoia is a huge thing to for that fight. People do not know what the bloody hell they are doing.

that’s not going to go over well

yea, if they do a sweeping nerf to sanity overall tho it would just be a slightly harmful dot at worst, which wouldnt be as bad