LFR N'zoth

You’re not wrong. I can see the comment from blizzard now-
Hotfix 3/11/20
Players will now no longer be mind controlled on LFR difficulty of the N’zoth encounter in Nyalotha
We realized that we may have overtuned the fight for LFR difficulty and decided that players should be able to enjoy the story and encounter without this difficult mechanic


Queue times are long. :stuck_out_tongue: I think most people are waiting until next week when it’s nerfed. :face_with_monocle:


you only needed 2 demon hunters that knows what to do. On Nzoth you actually need half of raid and a tank that know what to do

and they’ll lose sanity ofc which will start snowball effect to drain even more sanity from the rest

Maybe they could change LFR so that the person just instantly dies if they don’t have the Cloak, instead of being MCd. That way, there would be less trolling and time wasting, but still RP flavor.

EDIT: Looks like they changed it so you can’t queue without the Cloak, which is good! Though, I still like my idea to prevent griefing.


Too many with paranoia not running to each other and not enough people restoring their sanity when they should .

Got in at 7 determ. and tried 5 more times with no luck.

Probably try again tomorrow when I have my 2 days off.

First, LFR groups don’t read chat or take orders.
Second, LFR people don’t even know where to see their groups (most don’t even know that there are separate groups inside a group lol).

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This is why LFR is the hardest raid mode. :wink: (yes I’m joking, calm down) :grimacing: :scream: :crazy_face:

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Exactly 2 DH that know what to do yet the few times I did Ghuun lfr we’d sit in the 1st phase for 7+minutes till people decide they wanna do it


My mythic tank guildie and I did it. We cleared carapace with like 5 people alive. That was like 1 wipe.

Nzoth was just absolutely hilarious. A tank that spawned in and immediately went insane without cloak. Wipes in phase 1. People not channeling neck. Half the raid going insane during the first DPS phase.

I was literally laughing the entire time. I couldn’t breath. Thank you Blizzard for putting something in the game that isn’t totally lame.

If someone does manage to kill LFR nozth without a premade I want to know. Please, tell us your story!


I’m thinking they’ll leave it as-is for a few weeks at least, just to try and get more people to get their cloaks.

They have to leave all the mechanics in the first week to see:

  1. What really needs to be nerfed (us LFR heroes aren’t going to be available for the PTR)
  2. Spot what the idiot trolls are going to do.

My opinion is that 70% of the so-called LFR issues are actually trolls frakking things up on purpose. Like the cloak…if it’s required then you shouldn’t be able to queue without it. And if you troll and take it off on purpose you should lose it account wide, all toons and all progress. Maybe then LFR would be a better place. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:


Mythic difficulty has nothing on LFR! Coordinating and surviving that degree of Derp requires skills without measure!


Even if they had the cloak, and people were trying their hardest, they still can’t do this. They would literally need a 10 minute video explaining all the mechanics up front every time you queue.

Every time we got 1 mechanic farther half the raid quit. People literally couldn’t figure out how to not stand in the purple psychus pools.

This thing is literally just meme material. All for 445 or whatever loot. It’s hilarious.

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Blizzard please do not nerf lfr. I want to see this mess last for a while.


I just want the 1 hand sword off of Carapace for Transmog purposes.

I have this horrible feeling that I’ll just keep zoning into Nzoth

Too bad tenacity stops at 10 stacks. I should have 19 by now with all those crazy wipes due to players not doing mechanics correctly and we get 8 or 10 mc’d at the begining.


I don’t do LFR anymore. Doesn’t feel fun. And not surprised with how these wings go down. Its the group of people that probably never went to do even normal and think they can faceroll it.

Someone needs to make an addon that posts out if people have a cloak and what level. Blizzard had to put out a bulletin post a few days ago telling people how to get their cloak. I can understand coming back at any point after the patch, but there is no excuse for just ignoring quests that get put into your log.


I totally forgot about that

Guild name checks out