LFR N'zoth

Yea it definitely feels like a guild progression and can take 1-2hours at first if not more.

Until enough people complain or unsub and Activision that lost 1 billion in revenue for 2019 will tell Blizzard to remove the cloak requirement.

I almost wonder if they patch in a bunch of things to make getting cloak much easier for alts.

Iā€™m confused, is the cloak now required to queue up or was the cloak made no longer necessary for the boss?

It is required to queue.

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Required to queue.

Theyā€™re not, people are bad because they have no desire to better themselves.

Greatest example of this is when they made The Proving Grounds a requirements for heroic instances at one point. Nobody rose up and became better at the game, they complained they couldnā€™t complete it, and didnā€™t do heroics or account shared to have somebody else do it for them.

My point was, if you insist on having a mode where you have to carry WoWā€™s typical bad player, you should probably make it as simple as humanly possible to succeed.


Nah, I like them like this, bad players an all, itā€™s more fun for those of us who canā€™t currently commit to raiding.

Yeah ive been there. Sometimes theres a critical mass in the lfr raid of bad players or not interested players. Thats a tough one. Sometimes the only thing left is to come back another day

Honestly; All it proves is that people get into LFR and afk for loot. Iā€™ve done LFR I think once or twice this xpac and itā€™s just as crappy as every other xpac. No one is trying to get better or actually play. Itā€™s always 5-7 people carrying the entire group while the other half auto attacks or afks.

Exactly. And they implemented the silver Proving Grounds requirement in WoD, the expansion where dungeons meant nothing.

Contrast with Cataclysm, where they ratcheted up the difficulty of Heroic dungeons, and drove a bunch of players out of the game.

Oh come on did you guy forget LFR Hagara during her ice and storm phase? LOL.

This change doesnt change the fact that the players that are doing LFR canā€™t kill any remote bit of Nzoth the Corruptor or do the simplest of mechanics like click on their body. Even with Determination itā€™s nearly impossible for them to do.


They should get better then or go get the cloak. Prior to Dragon Soul they would never been able to even see a raid. If they want to see the end of the raid they need to at least learn and try to play better.

I havenā€™t been able to play for a week due to the tornado in nashville, glad they got that fixed before iā€™ll get to try it

I sometimes wonder about Blizzard. This expansion has already been extremely ALT unfriendly, and despite that I have more characters at Max Level now than I ever had (Iā€™m over 50 now). And while Iā€™ve slowly geared them all up, I only did the cloak quest 3 times before I was like NO WAY. Then Blizzard comes along and says ā€œHold mah Beerā€ and makes it even more ALT unfriendly.

If you arenā€™t going to bother spending 1-2 hours doing the quest for the best item in the game, why you going to spend 1+ hours in a wing of lfr to probably get nothing.

Noooo. LFR needs to be improved and at least prove a slight challenge where people have to communicate or at least listen to those who step up and lead. I am no raid leader and I have had to do it in Nyā€™alotha.

In order to lose your mind (ie. insanity) one first requires a mind.


Tinfoil hat time! Blizzard purposely made Korrakā€™s Revenge insanely good for lvling alts knowing they would later require characters to have the cloak in order to ā€œfinishā€ the story for this xpac. Getting the cloak on just a few characters isnā€™t too bad, getting the cloak on 20+ is quite the time commitment.

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blizzard what in the actual F were you thinking releasing nā€™zoth at this difficulty level for an lfr target audience?