Why should LFR get “special treatment” and get a worse loot system?
In your opinion it is a worse loot system. Now IMO it suits LFR better.
Its not an opinion. Its an actual fact.
PL doesnt have the protections that GL does which that alone makes GL a much better system.
This isnt up for debate unless you have zero comprehension of how both loot systems work.
Then you have zero idea how either system works.
You still ignored why you feel LFR deserves special treatment.
Dude that’s the life of a wow player. Always has been. You canter a raid and potentially win tons of loot. Or none of the loot. Only issue is when it’s a person at 625 Il taking the pieces with need rolls, and that just purely a moral thing nothing at all to do with number of items won.
Also upgrade exists so have to look that the track not the il of the piece before you assume it’s not an upgrade.
No. That’s the beauty of the system. We’re never guaranteed anything but when something drops for us in PL, no one can take it.
Nobody can take anything you win in any loot system currently in the game. If you win the roll with group loot, it’s yours unless you choose to trade it.
By not taking LFR seriously.
Alts, bud. Especially after the leveling bonanza right now, more than one of each armor type to go slumming for LFR appearances for the rest of the expansion. Hell yes I’d delete any higher track items they happen to get, if it meant improving roll chances.
What do they need gear for. Better question, why would I ever send alts to LFR if they -do- need gear, since there are a ton of better sources to get it.
I LOL every time I hear someone that still believes there is RNG in WoW any longer. All outcomes are designed to maximize player engagement, and shareholder value.
Nah, you level an alt so instead of a 615-625 main carrying, you get the perpetual 580 alt.
You mean instead of a 625 main that is 75% afk and their biggest action is to hit need when the boss is down?
Because that’s the actual reality in my experience.
In a guild group at least in my experience we are all about building each other up. Giving items to other players in our group who may benefit more. Despite winning a roll. This fact in and of itself is what makes group loot work better for guild raiding. Simply put each and every player is out for themselves in LFR. You have no way to show that to not be true. Hense why personal loot benefits an all for themselves group system like LFR.
It isn’t special treatment. It is a game mode that simply doesn’t mesh well with group loot.
This entirely depends what you value from the loot system. In terms of distributing loot to players who would use the item, it doesn’t matter if everyone is out for themselves or not. With personal loot, every player rolled on every boss kill for a chance at loot without any agency in the matter. With an average raid distribution, this is roughly the same odds as players have with group loot when everyone rolls need on every item they can equip. The worst case scenario under group loot behaves similarly statically as personal loot.
But not everyone will roll need on everything they could. There are players who will choose greed, mog, or pass when presented with an item they won’t use. There are players who AFK/leave/disconnect when loot is rolled, resulting in passes. And most importantly, the system will disallow a player from rolling need on any item they already have at the same or higher item level. No matter how much it seems everyone is rolling need on everything, you’re almost certainly in raids where people do not have the option to roll need on some of the items. This will result in better odds under group loot for most than they had under personal loot.
Now, I will acknowledge there are other considerations besides just loot distribution odds for LFR. I do think personal loot should be in LFR for social reasons. But I suggest that knowing full well its return would reduce the chances of players who would wear the items to get those items.
PL doesn’t guarantee you win any more than GL. Why ask for something that does nothing to address your concern?
Tell me you dont know how either PL or GL work because t his entire paragraph is irrelevant.
It is 100% asking for special treatment. Raiding uses GL. Asking for a inferior loot system is special treatment.
It is a loot system that better fits the situation. Why is one and upgrade over the other? It is simply a better solution based on situation. I love group loot in guild raids and hate it in LFR on alts. No one wants to help anyone else most of the time and it is everyone out for themselves. Why? Because most of the people who even run LFR are on alts looking for MoG or upgrades.
Ask that one same person.
Do you even know the protections GL has that PL doesnt or how both systems even work?
Because if you did you wouldnt be showing you dont.
Eh, I tried and tried and tried to get a shoulder and a chest priest tier transmog in LFR last expansion. I never did get them in months of trying. Sometimes on multiple characters that week (yes, I have a lot of priests). Which is a shame, because I really liked the LFR color scheme. Maybe it was because I only rolled on those pieces and my RNG was terrible, but I will say that personal loot at least upped your chances of getting something when RNG wasn’t on your side because of the bad luck protection.
In my opinion they should have just kept personal loot for LFR only.