LFR Loot Rolls

How do you call a fair loot system when 5 pieces of loot drops from a boss and 4 of them go to the same person?


RNG do be wild sometimes.


tale as old as SL season 4

thank god for delves


That dude got his gold coin with him

kinda lucky

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I had the ring, the helm and the mount drop from HH 2 days ago.

I shoulda gone and played the lottery thinking about it.


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I have only run some LFR so I could see the content. I’m not going to waste my time on such things when someone can essentially ninja everything that drops. If they’d bring back personal loot I’d be all in.


Fairly winning a loot drop they are eligible for isn’t ninja looting. It’s not remotely close to ninja looting.


When you can just need on everything, despite it not being something you can use, it is, as I said essentially ninja looting. If you wish to be pedantic that is of course your choice, but you’re really focusing on the wrong issue here.


That’s not a thing. You can only need on gear that is not just equippable, but intended for your class/spec. (Mainstat weapon, proper armor type, etc)

There’s no issue here.


Where is group loot ever called “a fair loot system?” I don’t remember this in the description.

Who ever claimed that random /rolls were fair?


Big reason why doing LFR after the loot change is an absolute waste of time. You get no upgrades or anything useful out of it. Unless it’s for a quest or like right now you get 15 tokens from the first? queen kill LFR has no meaning nowdays… people needing for transmog or some people legit trying to sell the loot they get.

It’s that bad nowdays.


It’s fair. They won the rolls.

Doesn’t mean LFR shouldn’t go back to a Personal Loot system though.

And you keep trolling.

Except it is, just not how you’re making it seem. By “not needing” it simply means someone needing on a non-upgrade. If a 590 helm drops and you already have a 616, you shouldn’t be able to need, period. But, people do and people win and will DE or try to sell it.

The loot system is the issue. You’re not very smart.

When LFR drops loot that’s worse than weekly Caches and T8 Delves and Mythic 0 dungeons (all of which have guaranteed loot drops to boot), I’m confused as to why anyone would care.

Unless you’re trying to fill out the LFR color for your Tier set?


Cry about it. People disagreed in a public forum.

Moving goalposts.

Nah. You’re not entitled to other people’s loot.

It’s not an issue. You’re just very entitled and never learned basic manners in kindergarten.


This is why PERSONAL was better

5 pieces = went to 5 DIFFERENT people


Impossible outside of bugs. Which has happened this tier but it was like one item out of the entire loot table.

LOL. I would game that so hard you have no idea. Deleting gear to make sure I’m under all the drops I want is trivially easy. Wouldn’t hesitate for a second if it gives me a leg up on all rolls.

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A lot of people seem to care enough to post justifying how one player should be able to get 4 pieces of loot off a boss. You are one of those.


very simple. he rolled higher than you. he didn’t do anything different, the dice gods just smiled upon him. it could be you next time. but it wont.

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