LFR Loot Rolls

There never has been bad luck protection with Personal Loot.

The only luck protection we had at the same time as personal loot was via Bonous rolls. They werent the same system and it did not bleed over to Personal loot

Back in the personal loot days you could still be awarded loot that you did not need, difference being you could choose not to loot it and let it be sent to your mailbox so players like you don’t see it and make complaints.

I had tons of loot back in the day that I did not actually loot because of such threads, or players in game whispering you like “Dude I just inspected you and can see you are being greedy by not offering that loot up for someone who needs it”, like screw that it’s my loot and I do what I want with it.

I just wish we could hide our iLVL and inspect window so these types of complaints can go the way of the dodo.

Are you sure about that?
Personal Loot had bad luck protection while Group Loot does not - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums

Obviously that doesn’t prove anything except I’m not alone in my thinking that it existed at one point. I mostly remember running a full LFR clear and generally getting at least one piece of gear vs. running for multiple months and getting nothing since personal loot went away.

I’m still 100% for need/greed for non-queued content. In fact, I wish they’d bring back master loot for full guild groups (and only full guild groups).

Yes. PL has never ever had bad luck protection.

The math disproves this

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Yet it’s true. With the caveat that I only ever “rolled” on the actual two pieces that I was there for and nothing else, so that probably skewed the results.

LOL RNG is horrible but it is what it is.
Just got out of a LFR on an alt, we had ONE clothie in our raid, second boss dropped all cloth

Lucky day for that one guy, too bad for the rest of us.

On a cosmic scale, what could be more fair than complete randomness?

I got Arfus, the mount and the sword within a day of each other.

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You know

You know that moment where life hits you in the face and you feel old. That thing that reminds you that you arent that young kid anymore

Its when someone links you a thread talking about other that believe the same thing they do. In that thread, I see myself argueing agaisnt the same topic years later

No, Personal Loot doesnt have bad luck protection.

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this and people are needing to sell the loot

I won something on my main, and got 3 tells pinging me to buy it from me

I never complained in the PL system. In fact, the only issue I have with the current system is that people who could use something as a legitimate upgrade can lose it to someone that will just sell or DE it. That’s not right.

That’s the difference with PL over GL. With PL, the roll isn’t across the group, it’s specific to each player. So, player A got their own roll for loot and player B gets their own roll for loot. It is entirely possible in PL for everyone in a group to get a drop from the same boss, just not likely because RNG. But the point is, player B’s roll does not affect player A and vice versa.

Nothing here changes.

Back in the personal loot days you could still be awarded loot that you did not need, difference being you could choose not to loot it and let it be sent to your mailbox so players like you don’t see it and make complaints.

I’ll agree that the current system is garbage in that people can roll on everything, and win everything, but the loot rules of how many items drop has never changed since it was implemented in its current numbers, 1 piece of loot per 5 people. Even back in the PL days if you ran 20 people only 4 would walk away with loot per kill, no one could ever get two awarded to them at the same time unless they used the old bonus roll tokens.

You don’t read at all.

Pay attention.

Of course, but your roll did not affect the rolls of others.

Where is that stated by Blizzard. Because, I saw plenty of instances where a boss is downed an more than 4 people get drops.

Not talking about double drops per person in PL, but the tokens were a nice option if your drop wasn’t useful or if you had no drop.

You are complaining that people are losing an item they could have as an upgrade to another person who just DEs it. This, your comment, is a complaint.

Currently you can also get BoA items, those are, as stated by Blizzard, an additional piece of personal loot that can drop for everyone in every content at one gear track lower than the content you are doing. This started in TWW.

There have also been things in the past like pets, some special items, some leggo stuff and whatever other additional raid items.

This is the closest I can find a blue post about the matter, but just Google it, everyone agrees it’s the same, 20% chance per person per raid at a piece of loot dropping.

Raid Loot Droprates Tuning – 17 February - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums

There might also be something about the rare items that I cannot confirm, we had 6 drops on Queen the other night on a raid of like 16 people, which in the usual sense of things should have been possible, one of the items was the rare ring, I can’t remember what the other items were.

Just mad ya lost your loots. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I was being accused of complaining during PL, if I did not get a drop. But sure, don’t bother to inform your response with the full context of the post you were replying to. That would be honest and we can’t have that.

And if you’re doing LFR, you want/need at least LFR level stuff to improve that toon. BoA’s are already lesser gear, but considering this is a discussion on upgrades and not “just getting gear”, the BoA’s are inconsequential.

If it’s not upgrade gear, it’s not relevant to this discussion.

I appreciate the effort. That post does confirm the rate, but it is worded slightly different from what has been stated here. In other words, there is a 20% chance for each player to get loot. That 20% chance is unaffected by other players because each player in the group gets their own “rolls” so to speak. And that is the key difference in PL vs GL.

I didn’t make the claim, so it’s not on me to prove it.

6 drops with 16 people comes to 37.5% which would mean a higher drop-per-player %. However, having to roll against potentially 15 other people drops your chances significantly.

A PL system which rolls for each player independently after each boss drop increases your odds significantly over the above situation.

Legion Legendaries, as well as both the Evoker and 2H Strength axe off Fyrakk also had bad luck protection. The commonality between all the items where there was bad luck protection was the roll was individual and resulted in extra items. When bad luck protection awarded an item under those systems, it did not influence the number of drops that came from the boss that were rolled across the group.

The burden of proof is on the person making the claim. It’s not on me to disprove your claim that bad luck protection existed under personal loot.

And oftentimes when people do make this claim, they suggest systems that are mathematically impossible. It would be possible for the system to give player A a better chance to win an item after not having won an item relative to player B whom had won more recently; but that would result in player B having worse odds when in a raid with player A until player A wins. And even if Blizzard did implement such a system, it could still never guarantee player A would win at any point due to a revolving door of players; even if player A reaches a loot drought that would indicate they should win the next boss kill, there can be enough other players that have gone longer without loot who would have priority.

All instances of confirmed bad luck protection in WoW resulted in items that were truly individual. If the game awarded you an item via bad luck protection, it did not impact the loot other players rolled for. If the boss was going to drop 4 items based on the group size, the boss still dropped 4 items for the group to roll for, whether the supplemental bad luck protection system awarded 0 items or 12.

I could live with this being an option, but do not want them to make it the only choice. My guild is perfectly content with group loot, and master loot would just slow us down unnecessarily since we’d just use a straight /roll anyway.

This has not been true since at least Legion, if not earlier. You can find the blue post stating this from the Dragonflight beta.

As many in this thread have speculated, all players in Personal Loot were constantly ‘rolling’ behind the scenes, whether you wanted to or not. It’s not as simple as ‘with group loot you’re rolling against everyone, but in personal loot you’re rolling against fewer’. Changing to Group Loot for raids makes the process of loot acquisition and distribution more transparent and gives players more freedom to trade loot around and allocate it socially if they choose to do so.

Yes, but PL didn’t work this way for a long time. The rolls weren’t independent across the group. The system rolled for every player, and the top X number of rolls were awarded 1 item.

In fact, the 6 items per 16 players that Akapally mentioned is only possible because of Blizzard making Very Rare items out of the X drops for Y people calculation during DF S3. 16 raiders will only get at most 4 items save for these Very Rare items; under the most recent iteration of PL, the raid would have only gotten 4 items distributed across its members.

if its the same helm you cant , if its a differnt helm you can . Transmog is a thing you know . ( I hate that they can roll need for it but thats the system --many more agree that it you should be able to then dont , so its a loosing battle)

But it’s not just wanting to preserve mog rolls. It’s that item level is a highly flawed measure of item power level. Disallowing players from rolling need on lower item level pieces would also disallow them rolling on items that would improve their performance in many cases.

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