If that’s too technical – “As a paladin you cannot roll Need on an agi polearm” (or, at least you couldn’t at the time of that post. If anyone wants to test if that has changed, I’d be all for updating that statement)
EDIT: I misread your post. You can roll transmog. I’m saying you can’t roll need. (I’ll update my original post as it was too hastily written. Good catch though)
In fact, you made me think of an even better and more obvious case for “rolling need on transmogs” being “the unintended path”:
Now that you can unlock all transmogs on any type of item, if Blizzard had meant Need to be used for transmogs, then you should be able to roll Need on any transmog you currently do not have unlocked, regardless of type (previously you could only unlock transmogs on a class if it could equip it).
Therefore, I should be able to roll Need on basically everything (assuming I don’t have the transmog unlocked). That’s not the case.
(I know that’s not what you were arguing against. Just using that as a springboard to a more solid argument)
Your first point isn’t true. There have been various times in this game’s history that a dps/healing/tanking trinket was BIS for a different role but that role could only get an off-spec need for it.
More importantly, what you’re arguing is a false dichotomy, the idea that either eligibility is determined solely by transmogs or ineligibility is determined solely by power upgrades and one of these has to be true. Players aren’t arguing about needing everything, they’re arguing about needing everything allowed by Blizzard’s rules and you’re making the assumption that either the rules were designed solely around transmogs or they were designed solely around power.
Personally I’d argue they were designed around equality. Using your example if specs could need on anything equipable then Druids would get a disproportionate amount of weapons which would not go over well with the community. This would be a problem unrelated to transmogs.
My overall opinion, LFR needs to be removed from the game period.
It’s done nothing but cause many players to be lazy, extremely toxic, and greedy. What should replace it (if Blizzard goes that route), is a full Story Mode Raid where it’s just you the player (or up to 5 friends), and AI controlled NPCs in a raid group. Yes, there is a Story Mode one now, but only for the final boss. But this rendition, would be similar to that of follower dungeons.
Loot should be only be distributed by a chance drop (RNG). You won’t be able to get drops from every boss. At most, the player should get roughly anywhere between 1-3 pieces of gear total. And once the player reaches a certain threshold of ilvl, that player won’t be able to do Story Mode Raid anymore. They would have to progress to Normal and above, if they wish to earn higher gear.
I think we’ve had this discussion on a similar thread, but Blizzard themselves has enumerated at least three possibilities that Need is not for: transmog, selling, DE.
My argument isn’t based on Needing on everything. It’s based on the original intention of “Need”. Nor is my argument based on “anything equippable”. It’s based on the delineations that Blizzard has set for what is considered an upgrade. Off-spec rolls are still considered Need rolls, and that separation between main and offspec is further evidence that Need rolls are intended for combat upgrades.
I’m not delving into “what is considered a combat upgrade” and this is really more of an academic discussion or one intended for self-reflection.
My core argument is that “If you are rolling Need on items you intend to use for transmog, selling, or DE, you are not following the intended guidelines, that we can surmise from the evidence we have, of group loot”. There is zero official repercussion for this. It’s just a matter of whether you can rationalize or justify this kind of activity in yourself or others.
Blizz’s loot roll system sucks. The people who actually need the gear don’t get it and the over equipped prick gets it almost all the time. This is extremely stoopid
I have 0 problems rationalizing “if I can press need, I do” no matter why I might be pressing need.
LFR is the absolute worst place to try to gear a character. anyone who says they’re doing LFR to gear is just trolling themselves. go do a delve or some m0.
you get four pieces of guaranteed loot in bountiful delves a week. that’s basically loot jumping out of the ground and wrapping itself around you. yet all this nonsense and drama over losing a loot roll for some crappy LFR level gear? lmao
Your core argument is that you tried to use the actual rules to come up with secret rules and disparage people who don’t follow the rules you came up with yourself
I mean this is demonstrably untrue. Just the times you win an item get ignored when you think about the times you lost a roll. I won’t try to talk you into liking the system, there is far too little loot dropping. But group loot does a decent job getting upgrades in the hands of those who would use them compared to any other system we’ve ever had in WoW.
I’ve done about 7 8/8 runs between 4 alts this expansion.
(Not even LFR. Just the raids themselves. ) and in all 7 of those runs. All 7. There was one person who at least came out with 5 items. It’s absolute. ABSOLUTE insanity. Personal loot needs to come back.
Unverifiable claim, providing no context about raid level, group level, or composition, and coming to a conclusion where the solution in no way prevents the occurance of a perceived problem. Just say you like the vibes of PL.
I helped clear it, I queued for transmog, why can’t I roll need? Because it makes your ilvl go up? Should I delete my gear and wear lower gear and do less damage so it’s an ilvl upgrade for me? No.
It sounds like you should ask Blizzard, since they made the rolls work the way they do. Oh wait, they don’t respond at all to any of these posts that are made weekly for at least the past few years.