OP, if you feel you were unfairly kicked out of an instance due to some people, either report them or put in a ticket. I doubt much would get done because Blizzard puts up with toxicity, but that is your only real recourse.
Not sure if the phrase is super accurate, but the gist is to kick people you don’t want potentially winning your token and since tier is guaranteed booting just increases your odds.
I remember this being somewhat of an issue in Cata or MoP. Back when drops were drops someone rolled on a token just to offer to trade it to me for a token I had already won.
I think you just got in a group of jerks possible.
it already is in the last boss of every wing except wing 3 which isnt out yet
Then you need to report it as griefing, if they are doing this then you won’t be the only one and they’ll get caught.
This won’t actually happen unless LFR has changed a lot since I last suffered through it (which is admittedly multiple expansions worth of time now). You need something like 5+ actual individual votes before the box even comes up and then you have a decent shot at seeing someone removed going by the logic most just click to get it gone.
You start trying to get people to take an action against someone is already pulling teeth but to get someone whose a tank or healer and make the group wait who knows how long for replacements? Even less likely.
Best thing you can do in any kind of group content is just keep your mouth shut and don’t draw attention to yourself. Especially if it is queue content.
ahhh, i didn’t realize that. i set foot in LFR once this expansion for a legendary memory and haven’t been back. it does make more sense now.
this does not help me if it happens again in the future from teh same group.
hence why i asked… “can we limit the ability to kick people to once per hour”
I don’t like the sound of this, what if there is a justifiable person that needs to be kicked but they can’t? Oh well?
Well there are a lot of things blizz could do, they could prevent kicking within the first 15min or they could auto treat a LFR/LFD kick as a report and punish people illegitimately using it or prevent kicks during combat. But thus far Blizz has taken the attitude of
I’m not saying this is a good policy, but it’s the policy they’ve taken. The fact of the matter is they can clean up the toxicity in the wow player base but have chosen not to by disavowing it as a “player created issue”. But the factors leading to the toxicity largely come from the economics of their game.
I think it’s something made up by OP
So groups have to suffer for 15 minutes of a person pulling trash and extra mobs?
i think you are just fishing for likes in a situation that doesnt involve you. if you dont have anything productive to say about the situation, id say just go to the next post
Not much that can be done.
As a general rule, if someone suddenly calls for a kick in lfr or timewalking and I’m on an alt I vote to kick them instead.
Unless the person is actually afk. Ohh no you got lost in a timewalking? Or you arnt fully gemming/enchanting your leveling gear so you don’t have world #5 designed for your class?
Good. Who cares it’s lfr or timewalking. Gtfo with your faux elitist wannabe nonsense.
There’s lot of people who think like this. Be a part of the solution you want to see from now on
Or they could leave but if someone is trolling you can still report them for griefing. But there are groups that will just kick someone as soon as the dungeon starts. The argument “but we shouldn’t have to suffer” also leads to people extending that to low DPS in normal dungeons. It’s LFD… get over it and just get it done. This isn’t M+ where you can just remove them from group.
Block em so you dont get grouped with them or anyone theyre grouped up with again.
Well I did a search here on the forums, here’s a link to it for you.
and then I went and did a search on google on mmo-champion for the same phrase
another link for you
So two of the biggest sources of wow community chatter and no usage of that phrase ever?
Do you see why I think you made it up? I think my comment then was quite productive. Can you provide a source of someone else saying it?
i blocked them the first time and still got into a group with them. So clearly that system isnt working as intended
Oh man. Bummer.
and so is your name but here we are, talking. things are real if you want to believe it or not … or should we call your CARAMELLO?