LFR Kick Snipers?

It’s LFR, you could tell everyone to kick someone cause they look funny and it’ll pass.

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Sniped is a real thing, just because you have no understanding for how sniping works nor what is required for it to be considered sniping… nor the fact that your duck duck go search didnt get you the results you wanted doesnt make it not a word.

Well that sucks. Can’t say I hear this happening much at all though, so perhaps you just had some terrible luck — which is pretty much what this game is :stuck_out_tongue:

please stop sniping this thread

Obviously meant they kicked him to snipe the boss loot - better odds for those not kicked.


Careful because there’s sniped as a normal person would understand it and then there’s


All words
“Kick snipe” is not. If you’re going to make up your own phrases you’re going to run into issues of communication :slight_smile:

I think the better question that should be asked is why does the Blizzard support page say you won’t be grouped with someone you have blocked if OP was grouped with someone they say they blocked after the first time?

Is there some kind of gotcha when it comes to LFR or group queues?

both of those isntances are the same thing. one is for an item ina controlled market, one is using the market (raid) to control the item (loot)

Explain to me what an auction house sniper is then ask a person on the street “what is a sniper” If both definitions are the same then very well but I have a feeling they won’t be.

i think the better question is, why dont you want to be wrong when you clearly are?

I’m not sure why you think I’m wrong but that’s your right.

if i have to explain it to you its beyond you, but here…

An auction house sniper is some one who uses an addon or scans the market board endlessly to obtain an item at an undervalued price to repost the item to make profit.

The sniping of loot is when you control the raid group for your tier token so you can obtain a higher chance of it dropping for you.

Both situations where people are looking to help themself out at the punishment of others.

NOW will you shut up about how wrong you are?

valid kick reasons are subjective IMO.
if someone is pulling extra trash that should be a “valid kick reason”. cause that’s wasting time.

How you think an auction house sniper and a real life sniper are the same is interesting. All of this could have been avoided if you just explained what you meant :man_shrugging: And as I said, you thinking I’m wrong is your right :+1:

Actually, groups would have to suffer for 15 minutes of a person who was afk at the start and never started playing, or even players who don’t zone in. Both of these happen, and I think these are situations where the game should auto-remove them at the 2 minute mark and replace them.

oh you want a real life sniper ok…

Real life snipers are used to elimite high priority targets or to cause mayhem in teh battlefield OR used to put targets into situations that are not ideal for them.

Low Value for high reward. same situation.

Yeah I was there back in the day when people would just refuse to participate to force a kick.

I don’t know about this, have you ever been on a flight path when your queue popped?

Snipe Kicked is a very descriptive name. I like it.
I see OP changed it to Kick Snipers. Either way is fine and makes sense.

Kicked to snipe the loot.

I’m not sure about the whole story, especially the cookie part. Not even sure if they Kicked to get better loot odds. But I do like the term.

So you’re trying to argue that the reason behind why a sniper does what they do is the same and not that a real life sniper is the same as an auction house sniper as thouse are quite clearly different.

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Yes, I accepted, and entered the dungeon. After the dungeon I was returned to the flight in progress.