shudder I remember back in the day, people farming determination stacks as a “strategy”
I suppose I get your point, if all you’re saying is that LFR and normal should be merged together into one difficulty. But if you keep the queue then it just sounds like you’re deleting normal.
Can you point me to the area of the CoC that discussing the merit of LFR would be considered trolling? Making multiple threads would be against the CoC, but the topic itself is not “trolling”.
Uhhh…thats my POINT? we ALL know this topic is used to insult LfR players…just takes .8 seconds to search ‘lfr lazy’ to see that that is exactly what is going on in here…trolling LFR players by attacking the part of the game theyre playing.
LFR is falling asleep easy.
I died twice in months that I remember. Once we wiped over some new players not jumping right fast enough. The second was …ugh…hitting chi torpedo…doesnt work…hitting it again…doesnt work…then 60 second later BOTH fire off and shoot me off a bridge to my death
I honestly dont remember a single other death in months of LFR.
Yeah. its easy. but I dont see the reason for these hate threads about it.
Good lord…can we not just go play our game and leave others to play their own?
Without titanforging, I just don’t see the point of it. It’s not challenging or mentally stimulating enough that I could see myself doing it unless I was chasing a mog color, or something. LFR has been reduced to a joke, so I totally see why people would like it gone and rather have people form normals.
A world without titanforging makes fixing the issues with it easier, if the devs are willing.
Im not entirely sure I understand why TF is such a big issue in the game.
I mean, dont we HAVE to have some overlap of ilvl for raiders to move to the next difficulty ?
Ive seen some of the complaints bout TF but Im not sure I get that any more than I do the LFR screaming
I was doing pretty well with that too for a while.
when trump got elected youtube policies changed and I just shut down all my channels.
I was getting ~500 new subs a month at the time. Seriously sucked having to give that revenue up, but my channels were mostly about guns and hunting and they were really giving us a hard time at that point.
But isn’t that the issue? take the heroicLFG/LFR call to arms bonus. Blizzard creates incentives for people (esp tanks/healers) to solo queue because they prefer reducing queue times to supporting stable social structures (guilds etc)
Queues are about managing access to content systemically, rather than letting the players figure it out for themselves.