yeah…sorry but I aint buying that joke.
My servers were dead for less than two weeks after classic was released.
Now theyre as busy as ever.
No…classic didnt kill retail.
My dude, if the game is failing, it’s on the devs to either come up with a competent alternative or listen to the fans ideas. Pressure from shareholders ensures that.
Your need to defend them just to play devil’s advocate against me every time is pointless.
It’s fine to dislike it. You don’t have to do it.
If the complaint is that people are coming from it and messing up mechanics in higher difficulties, then it is a prime time to do a little community building and get everyone up to speed.
Nothing is keeping anyone from building a raid group and doing any other difficulty.
I’m pretty sure that majority of the classic player base is made up of people who didn’t life bfa and weren’t playing at all.
yet the only ones AFKing in LFR are the LFR haters.
Players who enjoy LFR are PLAYING it.
So we’re not allowing you to create the problem then scream to have it ‘fixed’.
Doesnt work like that.
Not to mention that when you come into LFR in mythic gear its pretty obviously going to be a cakewalk.
Dont bother saying it aint so. I say the mythic heroes trashing legion content myself.
How many people are actually from your server and not a dozen different ones?
Most likely.
Honestly, even as horrible as travel is in classic, I was enjoying it FAR more than BFA.
uh…did you miss the point and now need to deflect?
When classic was NEW my capitol cities were ghost towns…for about two weeks.
And now they aint.
any more jedi mind tricks to try…or are we done now?
They’re not going to make Classic. Get over it already.
You never know
Yet people AFK’d through Classic content all the time. Long before LFR existed.
Your missing a piece of my point. I like the idea of lfr. As a dad, a husband, an employee, and a homeowner, often time the hardest boss is the lfg tool or guild schedule. I want lfr to be in the game because it allows me to play on my own schedule. However, it has shown a moderate drop in difficulty since mop which does not make it very fun for me. Most bosses seem life a fancier target dummy to me making it not very engaging to play.
In an ideal world, lfr would have the same difficulty as normal but just offer an easier way to group up.
yeah…GOOD content for once
maybe when the CONTENT isnt so boring you all will be playing so much you wont have time to obsess about our LFR
no…you wanted to be able to spew nonsense without being called on it.
Doesnt work like that.
I look at classic and retail the same way I look at black ops and modern warfare for cod. Same style of game but different strokes for different folks.
I always had the peggle addon when it became a thing. I used to play it 24/7 while raiding or doing dungeons while I spammed whatever resource dump I needed with auto attacks on my rogue.
Years of my life enslaved by a few peggle levels built inside of an addon… feelswodman.
For me it was the Bejeweled addon and talking smack with my buddy in whispers that passed the time during raids.
I think personally as Im running new characters up thru the content that its been the cata runs that Ive heard the most cussing in and seen the most wipes and confusion.
That content seems to agitate a lot of players. Seeing that the subs were dropping then makes logical sense, especially when I see some of the overall content for the expansion.
Some of it was really good, but some of BFA is ok too.
Overall BFA sucks in my opinion
And based on the sub numbers Im looking at now, apparently 2.5 million players didnt think too much of Cataclysm.
I have to admit…if classic werent so limited the differences…such as wands actually having some meaning…might just get me playing it instead of retail
But without MOP, its not going to happen.
Tbc fixes a large number of classics issues. Not all, but quite a bit. However it still retains its original soul of game. As much as I like wrath, I believe tbc is one of the better versions of the game.
This is the actual real problem…with almost everything in the game. Yes, Loon Guard your experience is different so dont bother.
Did some digging…here are some quotes and dates…
Following the release of Cataclysm , subscription levels reached a peak of 12 million subscribers but soon dropped to pre- Cataclysm levels of 11.4 million by the end of March 2011. In early November 2011, subscriptions declined even further to 10.3 million users
Patch 4.3, “Hour of Twilight”, was released on November 29, 2011… The new raid came with a third, easier difficulty option for groups formed through the new Raid Finder tool, which is similar to the Dungeon Finder.
EARLY November subs had ALREADY dropped from 12 million to 10.3 million.
LATE November, 29th…apparently the raid finder tool went live.
Dont see any evidence whatsoever that LFR was the CAUSE of the declining subs