Lfr is bad for the game

I agree. It seems like there is no grand design in place. Like each expansion they just throw poo at the wall and hope something sticks. I truly believe that when WoW was doing well they took all the good devs and moved them to Hearthstone and Overwatch and we got the bad devs from D3 who have no idea what they are doing and don’t even play the game.

Let me guess,they ditched because Zul is the 3/3 :laughing:


is that it?
Feel better about life?


Pathetic. Posting on a huntard with 1 post … what kind of patheticness is this?
Are you incapable of having a discussion about a gold farmer that feeds off wow to pay his bills? He can’t find a job so he scams players on the internet? Why so scared? He=you? Why so upset and pathetic? I have a job irl and it aint wow. Why you so pathetic you attacking my lowbee alt? Stop playing with alts and look for a job.


This one honest to god confused me. As someone that employs the XP turn off on the regular-- It was… Hard to understand how it fixed the problem.


There was no problem.
You were more powerful at 110 than at fresh 120.
And you could sell runs and make gold.
And Legion content was way more entertaining than BfA

Ummm…are you ok? You’re making 0 sense.

Like that lvl 28 priest… :thinking:

You all are Racist as heck…

Everyone in this game is Racist or most players are you could be Racist against Elfs Orcs or whoever game encourages it…

Point is BFA is ok expansion not the best.

I think they are the same person


10 char

Yes if you hate other races in game your racist its simple not hard to think about.

Not what this thread is about.


Given that they accuse the hunter of being on an alt,then being on an alt themselves kind of contradicting themselves,while also talking random gibberish.

Yup, ladies and gentlemen…we got him.

True But I am not wrong either. Tmrry is going to suck massively New years resolutions start… 14 days late basically…

But I suppose better late then never right ?

On that note: I think it’s time for me to head out for the night and catch up on Longmire on Netflix.


rACIST?! about fictional races in a digital videogame ??!?

Yes Houdi I am right and racists must be stopped even if non of this racism is real its in a video game millions play so quite real if you ask me…

Do you know how to click the name on the upper right of a post? That means i am replying to that person.

That should clear it up if you can do that.

I was obviously just replying to bait it seems.

You guys still trollin this post?


depends if you are running LFR or not