Lfr is bad for the game

It wasn’t just BFA-- WoD was bad. Legion I saw the issues coming. Then they double down on those issues for BfA.

We effectively have three expansions worth of issues. LFR, if you view it as an issue, has five expansions worth of issue. We have to include BfA.

One expansion-- I’d say they were being Lazy.
Two expansions-- I’d Say they are being Stubborn

But Five? It’s a deliberate choice they aren’t getting rid or Fixing.

We’d have a better chances at getting ML back for 100% guild runs than LFR removal.


Oh wow 2 Words you’ve learned today. Casual and Desultory. Great job!

remember that word we were using before?
maybe look that one up and go find some to see in this thread if your theory holds any water ?


Actually no we don’t. Because that stance you were talking about is the same stance that they made that PL is here to stay. Again, Blizzard being stubborn and not caring about communities and raid teams.

yes…my mother is so proud of me. My wife said she is too.


That feel when you’re 8/8M and casual.

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The one you aren’t spending time with because you want to argue about LFR for 2 hours on a forum on the internet?


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hmmmm…where are you again?


Yes because I guess Casual now is equal to difficulty.

I hate to say you’re right. It’s kinda the stance and view I’m seeing with things like Pathfinder, WQ (I seriously hate these), PL, more AP gear, badly designed Gear artwork.

I can go on.


They can’t spend time with them if they don’t exist.

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So don’t sit down and accept it.
Voice your concerns!
Now more than ever,good players are uniting to push back horrible features,bad devs and bad entitled players back into the ratholes.


10 char

Wow this whole time I’ve been replying on here I was tabbed out of my LFR run . So glad they managed to do 2/3 bosses before disbanding.

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the word has a definition…thats for certain.
Just like a lot of people use ‘bigot’ in the wrong way.
It happens.


awww…is that all I get for my buck fiddy?


This guy is the definition of casual with those 80 Achievement points.

Ive been running heals leveling up my new shaman while we’ve been rambling on in here. Leveled up maybe 8 levels running dungeons.


It really is a sad truth, I feel like the “massively expanding and diverse development team” is the core problem. They keep hiring people who just constantly have conflicting opinions and ideas, so much just isn’t being done it hurts. They tried removing XP prevention at 110 to tide such a minor issue, they got stompedon so quick they immediately withdrew.

The only thing we have left as a player is to voice our opinions on the issues or else they’ll just keep working against us.

Hard to play a game when you are constantly on a forum typing … hmmm your group must be pissed at the lack of casual heals you are giving them.