Lfr is bad for the game

You are claiming LFR to be fine.

Yet you provide no evidence either.

Yeah, I can definitely see that working out too, really just anything to stagger the power growth.

As much as I’d like it to be a every two expansions, it’s much, much more likely to be every Expansion. They’ve already been boasting the “hand-done flawless squishing”, which was a disastrous first month on the prelaunch. Not to mention the feeling of “unleveling” we got going from 110 to 120.

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Ahhh… The “remove LFR” elitist people are still hard at getting something they don’t have to use removed from the game. Still trying to create that 1%'ers group for gear I see. Can’t stand seeing someone else get lucky with RNG after possible 10 or hundreds of hours of grinding.

It’s sad that people like OP want to remove content from the casual people.


You didn’t even read the OP, did you?

Posting in another LFR thread.

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For one thing, they never boasted about “hand-done flawless squishing” because the entire point of this one was to introduce an automated system so they wouldn’t have to any more. The only thing they were “boasting” about was that there were as few a problems as they were and even then, I didn’t see a particularly huge amount of pride in that.
The feeling of unleveling had nothing to do with scaling and everything to do with how you’re secondary stats end up at the end of every xpac, along with people coming in with perfect gear from the last raid tier. Without it, they’d have to balance the game around everyone having 60% haste and the truth is that “unleveling” feeling isn’t noticeable at all with a boosted toon (the equivalent of someone in end Legion questing gear).


I don’t use LFR very much since I try to shoot for Normal and Heroics as a casual player I am, but I personally don’t see anything wrong with having LFR. I think it is a great way for those people who may not have that much time to play to be able to experience the raiding content the Dev team put their time into making. Also, what exactly is wrong with LFR? How does it really effect those who do Normal or Heroic or even Mythic raiding? It doesn’t! Maybe people will get WF or TF gear from it which may put their gear to normal equivalent, but ok, if that is the case, then maybe they can go in and do normal and get gear from there. So what?


I remember specifically during a Q&A they boasted about thier breakthrough and achievements of breaking stat squishing down to a science to the point of near flawlessness, they even questioned players complaining about issues saying “our math isn’t wrong”. I’m not sure if they ever fixed it, but WoD mobs had about 10x HP than that of legion mobs, which was a hilarious mathematical error on their end.

I never said it had much to do with scaling, but rather the exponential character growth throughout the expansion. If we grow ~5x stronger through an expansion, which we are heading for, the degrowth towards the next expansion feel incredibly painful as a player.

Also, Legion Boosted gear is terrible compared to what you get from Antorus and Argus, which is what pretty much everyone was in at the time, and why people were so dissatisfied with it.

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What is with all the haters LFR is only thing I l ike about game now I tried to level up more toons I cant just burned out from Wow hopefully its better when next raid comes out…

Sadly sub dosent end till april huge mistake getting Dread Wake at least I got my money worth from the months I did play.

Went overboard I guess leading to burn out also dosent help game feels so lame at endgame.


yeah…I do…it hasnt been removed and YOU have played LFR TONS yourself.

Now…PROVE to us that players quit in droves because of LFR.
I can wait.


Of course their math isnt ‘wrong’.
Its common core.


I’m not a paramedic (thank you for your dedication to helping others!) but I work retail, and retail is notorious for a lack of a consistent schedule.


How else would they be able to beat Joe Average PvPer in world pvp if they cant keep the highest end gear to themselves?


You know, this is a bad argument. Being busy didn’t stop the game from hitting over 12 million subs before LFR was a thing. Did all those people have no life or something? Saying you have a hectic schedule isn’t an argument to keep LFR.

By the way, I’m not saying that LFR should be removed, just saying that your personal schedule isn’t a decent argument for why it should exist.

yeah…it is…and you all claiming it aint dont change that FACT.
Many players cant revolve their lives around a video game.
And until YOU all can PROVE that its ACTUALLY harming the game, it doesnt need to be changede


You know you could actually read the entire post and not quote out of context. By all means though, continue to appear as an ignorant fool.

yeah…because if you wrote a 10,000 word essay Id have to QUOTE it ALL in order to have READ it all.
Trust me. Mother taught me to read more than 2 sentences.
I read your post and I responded to the point that was in error…


By that logic Azerite grind and reputation grinds should be removed from the game as well.

Also you have no evidence still.
Try again.

No you didn’t. You selected what you wanted without incorporating the entire thing. Makes you appear pretty low on the IQ totem and kind of kills whatever dumb argument you are trying to make.

yeah…i do…YOUR LFR history.