And I’m still waiting on you to prove with facts how is it that LFR is good for the game.
So no proof?
And I’m still waiting on you to prove with facts how is it that LFR is good for the game.
So no proof?
Your opinion of course op. My opinion is that crz, pathfinder, and item level scaling is bad for the game.
Not according to Blizz. Ion said it was removed because he wanted to slow down the Mythic raid gearing cycle.
Mythic G’huun, a boss that might drop an 385 and only ~2% of players have killed, is on par with a Warfront that can be AFKed and has a guaranteed 385. I don’t need to be the one to show how obviously the gear is not deserved.
Hell, even Heroic G’huun has been downed by ~27.1%, yet Arathi has been giving guaranteed 370s for months now, in an instance that is designed to not be lost.
God it hurts so bad! XD
But it feels soooo good i don’t afk ever so
Thats just stupid illogic, friend.
Unless people are quitting over LFR and people are PLAYING it then it IS ‘good’ for the game.
seriously. take a course or something.
People did quit over LFR in Cataclysm, I doubt anyone is quitting over it now, but people are quitting the game in droves.
Well, warfronts are your type of content in terms of speed and complexity. Wish there was many difficulties like Island Expos
So no proof.
Just random rambling
Sure they are Timmy----->Has a full server always.
Hell’s bells why is this thread still going?
Because you just posted under it
Ah fair criticism.
I do think there should be less raid difficulties, I think they should delete normal mode though or make LFR normal mode.
You can’t make LFR normal mode, because 25 random players are incapable of coordination to answer mechanics.
Look back to MoP and WoD what happened to LFR and the amount of nerfs and mechanic removal.
You can’t make LFR normal mode, because 25 random players are incapable of coordination to answer mechanics.
It worked in Dragon Soul, the bads just got kicked from the raid.
I’m more on the boat of cutting down to Normal and Heroic again. But that’s just my personal opinion. I’m old school like that
If you want to go Old School, just go for one difficulty.
Now that would be a treat. I forget who said it but it’s always daunting when you’re new to the game but was stepping into the same raid that top end guilds were.
No it didn’t
People abused vote kick and master loot.
If you had 4 shamans in the raid, and you’re a shaman yourself you’d try to kick them to get loot. Yes this stuff happened.
Don’t get me started what ML people did if they had raid lead.