LFR Gear in Dungeons is good!

Go right ahead kick them all and since you’re playing alliance it does not have an impact on me whatsoever.

Cool. I play horde btw. If I see you, I’ll be sure remember you gave me permission. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Lol hope to see you in game one day.

Me too. Maybe I’ll reveal myself and we can compete.

This sounds 100% on brand and exactly what I’d expect from them.

I suspect you won’t have much competition to be honest.

Its prejudice using racism as a way to understand the point better. If you are writing off entire servers because of a few interactions its no better than writing off an entire race of people based on the actions of people within that race.

which annoying another player is griefing, and how do you know that something is deliberate or not unless you are in the other persons head? Are you not seeing the flaws in any of your arguments? What if someone thinks you arent geared properly? Will you accept that kick because this is the kind of environment your ideas foster.

So you annoy me with your bad arguments here so I should just condemn your entire guild based on your actions here. Your actions = their punishment. That is your argument. Its the same argument racists use. Actions of others = condemn the entire race which is pretty… well… I cant use the adult word here so ill just say horrid.

Again more prejudice talk. If anyone sees you or anyone from your guild in game they should instantly kick you. Period. There is no room for this thought pattern anywhere.

Yes it is. You are discriminating a whole server based on a few interactions. Looks to be your actions are your own worst enemy. Everyone has seen you for what you are now.

The odds are in our favor based on their actions and ideas that this is happening outside of the game as well.

I would, no one defends this type of position this hard if they arent.

The more you defend this position, the more you look like you are just trying to justify or hide your prejudice.

No it doesnt, it targets people from a server. You dont get to the point of judging that persons behavior because you said it was “proactive”. Proactive = prejudice in this case.

No, it highlights it.

Its not based on actions or behavior, its based on if you are from a certain server which can be replaced with country or race to show how messed up your logic is. You arent judging actions or behaviors because actions and behaviors are unique to each person.

We are using the context.

No no no, you arent addressing behavior. You are prejudging people based on their server. You admitted to it several times now and even said it again

this is prejudice. You are pre judging someone based on their server instead of their actions. Thats the type of thinking a racist has. There is only one logical conclusion that people can come to based on your actions here.

You should learn the lesson of “if you are in a hole, stop digging”.

Also, why are you bringing up LFR gear? Also, are you trying to say that you should have the gear to do the thing that gives the gear? How exactly does that work? I thought your argument is that people skirt the ilvl requirements in order to access the content that gives the LFR gear by getting boe’s that they just place in their bags and dont use (which is a bad argument in itself which I highlighted earlier) and using pvp gear. The point is having pvp gear equipped with a 2 set is better than greens, especially when greens can be 318 and the new honor gear coming up will be 384. For some reason you think the primary stats is less of a dps increase as some low secondary stat from a green item even though your primary stat out side of hit and expertise is your best stat and melee have weapon damage for the most part outside of something that uses weapon dps instead of weapon damage.

People clearly dont understand ramp up times. And then if you ignore the ramp to get out some damage then you arent playing properly. There really is no winning against these types of people, and then the boss fight comes and they are low man on the totem pole.

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The comparison between writing off entire servers and writing off an entire race of people is a false equivalence. The analogy does not hold because it overlooks the fundamental differences between behavior-based actions and inherent traits.

  1. Behavior vs. Inherent Traits: My argument focuses on addressing disruptive behavior, not inherent traits such as race or ethnicity. The Vote to Kick system is used to manage and prevent known disruptive actions from recurring in the game. This is distinctly different from making judgments based on inherent characteristics, which is the essence of racism.
  2. Historical Behavior: When players from a specific server have consistently exhibited griefing behavior, it becomes a practical measure to preemptively avoid negative experiences. This approach is based on observed actions and historical behavior, not on unjustified prejudice or discrimination.
  3. Purpose of V2K: The V2K system is designed to maintain a positive and efficient group environment. Its use is intended to address and mitigate disruptive behaviors that affect the overall gameplay experience for others. This is about improving group dynamics based on past interactions and known behaviors.
  4. Misrepresentation: Equating the use of V2K to racism is a misrepresentation of the intent and purpose behind the system. The focus is on fostering a better and more enjoyable gaming environment, not on perpetuating any form of discrimination.

which annoying another player is griefing, and how do you know that something is deliberate or not unless you are in the other persons head? Are you not seeing the flaws in any of your arguments? What if someone thinks you arent geared properly? Will you accept that kick because this is the kind of environment your ideas foster. [/quote]

Griefing is defined by intentional disruptive actions, not minor annoyances. The V2K system is a tool to address such behaviors and ensure a positive group environment. Misinterpreting the purpose of the system undermines its intent to create a better gaming experience for everyone.

So you annoy me with your bad arguments here so I should just condemn your entire guild based on your actions here. Your actions = their punishment. That is your argument. Its the same argument racists use. Actions of others = condemn the entire race which is pretty… well… I cant use the adult word here so ill just say horrid. [/quote]

The analogy drawn in the statement comparing actions within a game to broader social issues like racism is a false equivalence. The intent behind using the Vote to Kick (V2K) system in the game is focused on maintaining a positive and efficient group environment by addressing disruptive behaviors, not by making judgments based on inherent traits.

Again more prejudice talk. If anyone sees you or anyone from your guild in game they should instantly kick you. Period. There is no room for this thought pattern anywhere. [/quote]

The V2K system is a tool to address specific disruptive behaviors and ensure a positive group environment. Comparing this to broader discriminatory logic is a misrepresentation of the intent and purpose behind using the system.

Yes it is. You are discriminating a whole server based on a few interactions. Looks to be your actions are your own worst enemy. Everyone has seen you for what you are now. [/quote]

The V2K system is a tool to address specific disruptive behaviors and ensure a positive group environment. Comparing this to broader discriminatory actions is a false equivalence that misrepresents the purpose and intent of using the system.

This statement is already covered by the rebuttals provided above.

Again, equating this to racism is a misrepresentation of the intent and purpose behind using the V2K system. The focus is on addressing specific disruptive behaviors to ensure a positive group environment.

Engaging in a constructive discussion about the use of the Vote to Kick (V2K) system is not about “digging a hole” but about clarifying the intent and purpose behind it. The focus is on maintaining a positive group environment by addressing disruptive behaviors, not on perpetuating any form of prejudice.

The mention of LFR gear emphasizes the importance of being reasonably prepared for group content. While it’s understood that players will gear up through progression, having basic, appropriate gear (even if it’s not the best) shows a level of preparedness and commitment to contributing effectively to the group. PvE gear is optimized for the specific content and provides a balanced approach to primary and secondary stats, ensuring better performance in dungeons and raids.

In summary, the use of the V2K system is about addressing specific disruptive behaviors to maintain a positive group environment. Comparing this to broader discriminatory actions is an incorrect analogy that misrepresents the purpose and intent behind using the system. :blush:

No its not. Nothing else to say.

Learn the rules of holes, when you are in one stop digging.

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Are you trolling? Of course he means Heroic, people will be calling heroic HM all the way until SoO, get used to it.

I don’t think people who are 353 are going to have either of these you have mentioned, you are just repeating yourself from what you were saying at the start of T12 except this time you are putting your responses into chatgpt to try and make them look better.

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Heroic is and always has been and will always be abbreviated as “H” not HM or anything else. HM = Hard Mode See how that works? H = Heroic.

In all honesty, an item level of 353 is far too low for these new dungeons. It should be, at the very least, 370.

Have you gone to the PTR and tried them with a 353 toon? How else would you know.

353 would be perfectly fine, if they fixed it so you can’t cheese ilevel with PvP gear. Even then if it’s just a few filler pieces it won’t be a big deal. Especially when accounting for the buffs everyone gets

But if a dps is going in decked out in PvP gear and the tank and/or healer aren’t decked out in raid gear themselves, they might run into issues with fights dragging on too long and the healer running oom

No, because I don’t have any 353 toons. I have run with people who are 385+ and some of these players have struggled with basic mechanics, so it’s easy to assume that if people who are 385+ are having a hard time, players who are 353 would struggle even more.

Or people not killing the mana void, resulting in the healer and casters not getting their mana back.